16 October, 2024
Reading Time: 11 min

7 methods of obtaining a Malta citizenship in 2024

Malta citizenship offers the opportunity to live, work, study, and build a European business. Besides, citizenship gives cosmopolitans a new quality of life: freedom to travel without visas and to live in a European country.

A foreigner can become a Maltese citizen by naturalisation, marriage, descent, or family reunification. The Maltese Government also attracts wealthy people willing to invest in the country’s economy with a simplified naturalisation path taking 1 or 3 years instead of the usual 5 years of permanent living on the island.

Julia Loko

Author •Julia Loko

Explained how foreigners can obtain Malta citizenship

How to obtain Malta passport in 2024

7 methods of obtaining a Malta citizenship in 2024

All paths to become a Maltese citizen

1. Malta citizenship by naturalisation is granted to those who have lived in Malta permanently for a long time and have been able to integrate into the local society. As part of the naturalisation process, a candidate is required to pass exams on English proficiency, Maltese history, and law.

The naturalisation path is only suitable for those who live in Malta and do not intend to leave the country.

2. Malta citizenship for exceptional services by direct investment can be obtained if an applicant invests at least €690,000 in the local economy.

An investor gets a residence permit and can apply for citizenship after one or three years. Thus, it takes at least 14 or 36 months to get citizenship, depending on the investment sum.

The investor can apply for citizenship for the whole family at once. To compare, other pathways allow the applicant’s family to acquire passports only after 5 years of permanent residency in Malta.

3. Maltese citizenship by marriage is the least expensive way to obtain a Maltese passport. A foreign spouse of a Maltese citizen can apply for citizenship after five years of marriage. It is not necessary to live on the island during this time.

Entering into a sham marriage is a bad idea. If this is established, offenders could face up to two years of imprisonment.

4. Nationality by descent or birth is only suitable for children and descendants of the Maltese. Birthright citizenship can be obtained entirely remotely. Applying for a residence permit or living permanently in the country is unnecessary. However, applicants will have to prove their origins with documents.

5. Citizenship through family reunification is only suitable for those with close relatives among Maltese citizens living permanently in the country, e.g. parents, siblings, or grandparents.

6. Citizenship for distinguished service to Malta. For special merit to the country, a passport is awarded personally by the President of Malta. Most often, outstanding scientists, athletes, cultural figures, politicians, and people in business are granted citizenship in this way.

It is impossible to plan to obtain citizenship in such a way: there are no clear criteria for whether merit is considered outstanding.

7. Citizenship for refugees is a forced option. 8,000 to 9,000 refugees, mostly from Africa and the Middle East, arrive on the island yearly. If a refugee stays in Malta, they can obtain a passport after six years.

Refugees do not take language and integration tests or pay the state fee for registration. To be granted asylum or a refugee status, a person must prove that their life is threatened or they are discriminated against in the country of origin.

Comparison of the main conditions for obtaining Malta citizenship

Grounds for citizenship



Special requirements

Naturalisation for exceptional services by direct investment

€690,000+ for a single applicant

1 or 3 years

• Pass the Eligibility Test
• Invest in the Maltese economy
• Own or rent a residential property


€200,000 to €400,000, varies based on cost of living and other factors

5 to 18 years

• Live in Malta permanently for at least 7 years
• Pass language proficiency, history, and law exams
• Have two Maltese guarantors



5 years

Stay married for at least 5 years

Birth, descent, or family reunification


1 year

Provide documents confirming ancestry or kinship

Exceptional merit


1+ year

Make an exceptional contribution to the development of Malta

Seeking refugee status or political asylum


6 years

Prove danger to life or discrimination in the country of origin

11 benefits of a Maltese passport for foreigners

1. Increased global mobility. Maltese passport holders can travel visa-free or obtain a visa on arrival to 169 countries, including major destinations such as the Schengen Area, the USA, the UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and South Korea.

2. Plan B. After acquiring a Maltese passport, one gets an opportunity to quickly relocate and establish permanent residence in case of an unforeseen situation in the home country.

3. International business development. Citizenship allows the opening of affiliate branches in Europe and registering new businesses. Additionally, global income not remitted to Malta is not taxed.

4. Living in any of the EU or Schengen countries. Maltese citizens can move freely between the countries of the region and stay there for extended periods. They don’t need visas or special permissions to reside.

5. High standards of living. Malta features a stable economy, political tranquillity, and advanced educational, medical, and banking systems.

6. Access to European banking. Maltese citizens have the right to open accounts and deposits in European banks, register assets, and purchase securities.

7. European education opportunities for children. Malta citizenship grants children the same rights as other EU citizens to study at European universities and to remain and work in the EU after graduation.

8. Access to high-quality medicine. Malta’s health system ranks in the top 5 by the World Health Organisation. Citizens of Malta have full access to medical care in the country.

9. Dual citizenship. Malta allows individuals to maintain dual or multiple nationalities.

10. Commonwealth advantages. Holders of a Maltese passport enjoy facilitated processes for obtaining residency in Commonwealth countries, including the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore, and South Africa.

11. Friendly language environment. English is one of the official languages in Malta, along with Maltese, which simplifies communication, education, and adaptation in the country.

7 ways to obtain Malta citizenship by naturalisation, investment, marriage, descent

Malta offers a Mediterranean climate with the average annual temperature of around +23°C during the day and 16°C at night, making Malta one of the warmest countries in Europe

Can investors get Malta citizenship?

From 2014 to 2020, the Malta Individual Investor Programme has been running in the country. The programme was acknowledged by the European Commission as the “golden standard” amongst investment passport programmes. However, in 2020, the Malta Individual Investor Programme was closed and the conditions for investors changed and became stricter.

Starting November 2020, investors cannot get Maltese passports directly by investment. Instead, they are granted citizenship by naturalisation for exceptional services by direct investment.

Wealthy foreigners ready to invest in the country’s economy can apply for citizenship after one or three years of residency, depending on the amount contributed. Upon applying, they immediately receive temporary residence permits enabling them and their families to relocate to Malta and travel visa-free across Europe.

Citizenship is acquired by the entire family at once, including a spouse, dependent children up to 29, and dependent parents over 55.

Learn the benefits and obtaining terms of Malta citizenship for investors

Investment amount and conditions. To obtain a Maltese passport, an applicant must invest €766,000 to €1,500,000 for a couple, increasing with family size. Real estate investments may be recovered after five years.

Investor’s expenses on obtaining Malta citizenship are the following:

  • a contribution of €600,000 to the state fund if applying for citizenship after three years of obtaining a residence permit or €750,000 if applying after one year of residency;

  • an additional contribution of €50,000 to the state fund for each family member;

  • a charitable donation of €10,000 to a non-governmental organisation in Malta;

  • property purchase for €700,000 or rental for at least €16,000 annually.

Eligibility Test. Applicants and their families must undergo a rigorous background check to confirm the legality of their income and assets, with no criminal affiliations or impediments to citizenship.

The Eligibility Test is subject to a fee. The cost of the test is as follows:

  • €15,000 一 for the main applicant;

  • €10,000 一 for the spouse, each child aged 12 to 29, parents aged 55 and over.

Additional costs. These include payments to lawyers and solicitors, document translation and legalisation, and various state fees. Property buyers will also incur taxes and realtor fees.

Timeline.Depending on the chosen investment amount, investors and their family can apply for Malta citizenship after 12 or 36 months of residency. Six months are required for the Eligibility Test, and collecting, preparing, and issuing documents takes one more year.

Malta citizenship by naturalisation

General naturalisation is typically the longest route to obtain Malta citizenship, taking 5 to 18 years. Therefore, it is only suitable for those who already live in Malta and do not intend to leave it for a long time.

Foreigners with no family ties to Malta can obtain a passport by naturalisation if they meet the following conditions:

  1. They have lived in Malta for a cumulative period of four years in the last six years, having obtained a residence permit and a permanent residence permit. During this time, they have not spent more than six consecutive months or ten months in total outside the country.

  2. They continuously lived in Malta for a further 12 months immediately prior to their application.

  3. They have a permanent place of residence, either owned or rented.

  4. Several Maltese nationals must vouch for the applicants in writing.

  5. They must demonstrate a regular legal income sufficient to support themselves and their families.

  6. They have Maltese health insurance.

  7. They have passed language proficiency, history, and law exams with a minimum score of 75%. Preparation for the exam is taken in a compulsory course of 100 hours.

Applications and all documents must be submitted in person at the Department of Citizenship and Expatriate Affairs. Applications are processed within three months.

Applicants must also demonstrate their benefit to the Maltese society and trustworthiness, supported by reference letters from locals detailing their integration into the community.

Two guarantors must sign the citizenship application. Guarantors cannot be the applicant’s family members. Both guarantors confirm that the applicant is a person of integrity and worthy of obtaining a passport to the country. Their signatures must be notarised.

The first guarantor must hold one of the following positions:

  • a lawyer;

  • a doctor;

  • a civil servant of at least a certain rank;

  • a magistrate;

  • a notary;

  • an officer with the status of captain or above;

  • a police officer of a rank not lower than an inspector;

  • a prosecutor;

  • a parish priest;

  • a judge;

  • an MP.

The second guarantor is any Maltese citizen over 18 who has not acquired a passport by naturalisation.

The minimum period for obtaining Malta citizenship by naturalisation is 7 years. But in practice, if a person has lived in Malta for less than 12 years, the application is often rejected without explanation or right of appeal. In rare cases, obtaining citizenship only after 18 years of living in the country is possible.

The cost of obtaining Malta citizenship by naturalisation can vary significantly, typically ranging between €200,000 and €400,000 over 12 years, depending on the chosen path, legal support, annual residence permit renewals, housing, and various administrative fees.

Malta citizenship through marriage

Legal marriage to a Maltese citizen is another way of obtaining citizenship. Once married, the foreign spouse is eligible to reside in Malta without a visa and work without a work permit. They can also open bank accounts, rent property, and travel visa-free around the Schengen Area.

Conditions for obtaining citizenship. It is only possible to apply for citizenship after five years of marriage. The birth of a child does not affect this deadline. It will take another year for the application to be processed. There is no need to live permanently in Malta. Spouses may live in any country in the world.

Divorced and widowed spouses are eligible for citizenship if the marriage lasted more than five years, provided the relationship was genuine.

Malta citizenship by marriage is retained even in the event of divorce or death of the spouse.

A sham marriage is a criminal offence in Malta. A special committee evaluates the genuineness of the relationship: it is a compulsory procedure before documents are submitted to the local registry office. Convictions for sham marriages can lead to fines or imprisonment for up to two years.

Since 2014, Malta has recognised same-sex marriages, affording the same rights and opportunities for citizenship as opposite-sex marriages. Conditions for obtaining citizenship for such couples are no different from the standard ones.

How to obtain Malta citizenship by marriage

After marrying a Maltese citizen, a foreigner gets a Freedom of Movement status. It is the equivalent of a Permanent Residence Permit. After five years of residency, it is possible to obtain a Maltese passport

Malta citizenship by descent and family reunification

This option is only suitable for children and relatives of Maltese or former Maltese citizens. Expenses are low — about €80 of a state fee.

The applicants who can obtain Malta citizenship by descent and family reunification are the following:

  1. Born in Malta to one or both Maltese parents since 1989.

  2. Born between September 21st, 1964 and July 31st, 1989, outside Malta, to a Maltese father.

  3. Born on September 21st, 1964, in Malta, or to Maltese parents, on the day of the country’s independence from the United Kingdom.

  4. Born in Malta to one or both Maltese parents before September 21st, 1964.

  5. A former subject of the United Kingdom or its colonies before September 21st, 1964.

  6. Born abroad to a Maltese father also born abroad, if a grandfather or a great-grandfather was born in Malta.

  7. A former Maltese national.

  8. A child from another country, adopted or fostered by Maltese nationals.

  9. A grandson or granddaughter of a Maltese citizen.

  10. A sibling of a Maltese citizen.

  11. A child of foreign parents, one of whom subsequently obtained Malta citizenship.

  12. Guardians of a minor Maltese national.

These categories of applicants do not need to obtain a residence permit or live permanently in Malta. Citizenship can be acquired without travelling to the country: through an embassy or a consulate.

The fact of paternity or maternity and birth dates must be documented on birth and marriage certificates. In some cases, two Maltese guarantors will also be required.

Required documents for getting Malta’s passport

An applicant for Malta citizenship provides original documents or certified true copies. All documents must be translated into English. Besides, there are several forms the applicant needs to fill out. The type of the form depends on the application status.

A standard pack of documents submitted with all applications, irrespective of the ground for citizenship includes the following:

  • a passport or an ID;

  • a passport-size photo;

  • filled in state forms;

  • a receipt confirming payment of a state fee;

  • birth and marriage certificates;

  • the Oath of Allegiance.

For investors, the list of documents is supplemented depending on the application stage. Documents for a residency application include the following:

  1. International passports and foreign residency cards for all applicants.

  2. Evidence of dependencies, such as marriage, civil union, cohabitation, or birth certificates.

  3. A property lease agreement for 36 months or a purchase agreement.

  4. Level 1 Due Diligence report.

  5. Curriculum Vitae of the main applicant.

  6. Health insurance for each applicant.

  7. Bank statements for 6 months.

To pass the Eligibility Test, the investor prepares the following documents:

  1. International passports.

  2. Residency proposal letter stating the main reasons for applying for Malta citizenship, commitment to satisfy the requirements, and the chosen residency period.

  3. Bank statements showing 6 months of recent transactional activity.

  4. Government-issued photographic identification documents for all applicants.

  5. Residence permits and Maltese e-Residence cards.

  6. Birth certificates.

  7. Military records, if applicable.

  8. Corporate affiliations, evidence of employment, or source of income.

  9. Marriage or divorce certificates, if applicable.

  10. Evidence of residential address.

  11. Police Clearance Certificates.

  12. Applicable affidavits for each dependent applicant over 18, except for the spouse.

  13. Tax residency declarations.

An investor must confirm their eligibility to apply for Malta citizenship by naturalisation after 12 months of residency. Apart from the required forms to fill in, they submit an affidavit declaring no changes in the applicants’ state of affairs since the beginning of the residency period. Should any changes have occurred, they must be accurately reflected in an affidavit and accompanied by the relevant updated forms.

For investors applying after 3 years of residency, the application must include updated documents that demonstrate continued compliance with the investment conditions and residency requirements. These documents include recent bank statements, Police Clearance Certificates for all applicants over the age of 16, and proof of a residential address in Malta.

Discover your path to Maltese citizenship

Schedule your online meeting today.

Julia Loko
Julia Loko

Investment programs expert

Step-by-step procedure for obtaining Malta citizenship

Becoming a Maltese citizen by naturalisation for exceptional services by direct investment is the most hassle-free path to the country’s passport. The whole process usually takes 14 to 36 months.

Investors don’t have to take an examination or have an interview. However, getting a residence permit and passing the Eligibility Test is obligatory.


1 day

Pass a preliminary Due Diligence

This provisional check evaluates the applicant’s chances of obtaining Malta citizenship for exceptional services by direct investment. It helps to identify possible issues and suggest solutions.

Immigrant Invest experts check information about the investor in international databases and verify the documents. An applicant will not be able to become a Maltese citizen if they have a criminal record or are under EU sanctions.


Up to 2 weeks

Receive a Police Clearance Certificate

Police Clearance confirms that the applicant passed a check by the Maltese police through Europol and Interpol. They verify the information about all applicants over 12 years of age. The certificate is required to apply for a residence permit.


About 3 weeks

Obtain a Malta residence permit

To become a Maltese citizen, applicants must get a residence permit and hold it for one or three years. Residency confirms the applicant’s immigration status in the country and guarantees their intention to acquire Maltese nationality.

The investor submits the required documents for all family members. Immigrant Invest lawyers prepare a Level 1 Due Diligence report and help the investor collect, translate, and apostille the documents. They can also find housing since a residential address in Malta is an obligatory requirement for a residence permit.

Residency cards are usually issued two weeks after the investor and their family members visit Malta to submit an application and have their fingerprints taken.


4—5 months

Pass the Eligibility Test

The Due Diligence check is considered one of the most complex steps. It is carried out during the first 12 months after the investor and their family receive the Malta residence cards. Since every detail is considered, the procedure typically takes 4 to 5 months.

The investor should submit the required documents and pay €15,000 for the Eligibility Test. The cost increases by €10,000 per family member over 12.


1 or 3 years after getting residency

Apply for Malta citizenship

An application for citizenship can be submitted no earlier than after one or three years of residency in Malta. A completed Due Diligence check is required.

Investors contributing at least €750,000 to the Malta National Development and Social Fund can apply for a Maltese passport after 12 months of residence. Those who make the minimum contribution of €600,000 apply for citizenship after three years of residency.

Investors must notify the Community Malta Agency of any significant changes in the applicants’ state of affairs. They also need to receive a letter of approval from the Minister.


Up to 4 months

Fulfil the investment conditions

After the written approval from the Minister is received, the investor has four months to fulfil the program requirements. Conditions include the following:

  • a charitable donation of €10,000;

  • a contribution to the Malta National Development and Social Fund;

  • paying state and administrative fees;

  • an investment in real estate for five years — at least €700,000 if purchasing and €16,000 per year if renting.

It is possible to buy or rent real estate in Malta remotely. A lawyer will help to choose a property and close a deal. The lawyer will also sign an agreement of sale and purchase by proxy.


Up to 2 months

Receive Maltese passports

Future citizens travel to Malta. Within two months, they must submit the biometrics again and take the Oath of Allegiance. Children under six can pass the procedures without coming to Malta.

The passports will be issued in two months. Adult applicants and children over 12 are to receive passports in person at the Malta Passport Office.

Obtaining Malta citizenship through methods other than investment, such as marriage, descent, or general naturalisation, involves a different set of requirements and challenges. These paths typically require applicants to establish a deeper connection with the country, which may include prolonged residency, cultural integration, and language proficiency tests. Applicants are generally required to attend interviews with officials, demonstrate their language skills, and submit their applications in person.

For investors seeking Malta citizenship by naturalisation for exceptional services by direct investment, the process is managed differently. These applicants must engage with a licensed agent as direct applications are not accepted by the responsible government agency.

Malta citizenship by naturalisation for exceptional services by direct investment

Immigrant Invest has a licence from the Maltese Government, enabling the company’s lawyers to act on the investors’ behalf when applying for citizenship by naturalisation for exceptional services

Summary: how to get Malta citizenship quickly

  1. Foreigners can acquire Maltese citizenship through naturalisation, marriage, descent, or family reunification. Additionally, the Maltese Government offers a naturalisation route for refugees and individuals prepared to invest in the country’s economy.

  2. The most affordable way is to prove one’s Maltese ancestry. But this option is only suitable for those with parents, relatives, or ancestors on the island.

  3. The longest way is to live permanently in the country and undergo naturalisation.

  4. Investing in the local economy is another way to become a Maltese citizen. Applicants first acquire residency in Malta followed by citizenship after one or three years. Passports can be obtained for the whole family, including parents.

  5. Non-investment ways of obtaining a Maltese passport might take many years and require confirming knowledge of the language and culture of the country, as well as attending interviews and providing references. The whole family can’t obtain citizenship through these paths: family members can only apply for citizenship after several years.

Immigrant Invest is a licensed agent for citizenship and residence by investment programs in the EU, the Caribbean, Asia, and the Middle East. Take advantage of our global 15-year expertise — schedule a meeting with our investment programs experts.

Frequently asked questions

  • Is it easy to get Malta citizenship?

    Yes, if the applicant met all the Malta citizenship requirements under the chosen path.

    The most affordable way is to prove one’s Maltese ancestry. But this option is only suitable for those with parents, relatives or ancestors on the island.

    The longest way is to live permanently in the country and undergo naturalisation.

    Malta citizenship for exceptional services by direct investment is an alternative way to become a Maltese citizen. Part of the investment can be returned. Passports can be obtained for the whole family, including parents.

  • Why does an investor need the Maltese passport?

    Malta is a member state of the European Union and Schengen Area. The Maltese passport allows people to live freely in European countries. It also provides access to quality medicine, prestigious universities, and new business opportunities. Maltese citizens can travel visa-free to 169 countries, including the Schengen area, the UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, and the USA.

  • Can you have dual citizenship in Malta?

    Yes, Malta allows for dual citizenship. One can hold Maltese citizenship while also retaining their citizenship from another country.

  • Can US citizens have dual citizenship with Malta?

    Yes. The Maltese and the US governments have no restrictions on holding both citizenships. Of all the possible ways to become a Maltese citizen, Malta citizenship for exceptional services by direct investment is one of the most recommended.

  • What does Malta citizenship entail?

    A Maltese passport holder receives the rights and benefits of a Maltese national:

    1. Visa-free travel to 160+ countries, including the Schengen Area, the USA, the UK, and Canada.

    2. Opportunity to live, work, study, and do business in Malta or any other EU country.

    3. Access to the European banking system, opportunity to open deposits, register assets, and purchase real estate and securities.

    4. Access to high-quality medicine.

    5. Right to study at European universities and to stay and work in the European Union after graduation.

  • How much does Malta citizenship for exceptional services by direct investment cost?

    An investor who wants to obtain Malta citizenship for exceptional services by direct investment gets a residence permit first. At this point, the investor bears the expenses of renting housing. There are no limits to renting costs. The average renting cost in Sliema is €1,500 per month.

    The investor applies for citizenship through a licensed agent after one or three years of residency. By applying, they assure they will:

    1. Contribute to the National Development Fund: €600,000 if three years have passed since the residence permit was issued, or €750,000 after one year of residency. €50,000 is an addition to the contribution to the state fund for each family member.

    2. Donate €10,000 to a non-governmental organisation registered in Malta.

    3. Purchase a housing costing at least €700,000 or rent residential property. The rent price must be at least €16,000 per year. The investor must rent or own housing for five years. After that, they can purchase or rent another housing for any sum.

    4. Pay for the Eligibility Test: €15,000 for the main applicant and €10,000 for each family member in the application.

  • Can the applicant's family members obtain Malta citizenship?

    Yes, if the applicant obtains a Maltese passport for exceptional services by direct investment. In this case, they may include family members in the application. Malta citizenship can be obtained together with:

    • a spouse;

    • children under 29;

    • parents over 55.

    Children and parents must be principally dependent on the main applicant.

    In all other ways such as obtaining Malta citizenship by marriage, descent, naturalisation, exceptional merit, or as a refugee, family members can only apply for citizenship a few years after the main applicant has obtained a Maltese passport.

  • How quickly can one obtain Malta citizenship?

    Obtaining Malta citizenship for exceptional service by direct investment takes 14 to 36 months. For citizenship by descent, the procedure will take 1 year; by marriage — 5 years; by naturalisation — 7 to 18 years.

  • Can a foreigner get citizenship in Malta?

    Yes. Malta offers seven ways for foreigners to obtain citizenship:

    1. By naturalisation after 7 years of permanent residency.

    2. By descent or birth, if an applicant meets the criteria of one of the categories.

    3. Through marriage to a Maltese citizen after five years of marriage.

    4. Through family reunification, if a foreigner has close relatives among Maltese nationals.

    5. For exceptional services by direct investments after one or three years of residency.

    6. As a refugee and for political asylum after six years of staying in Malta. Such applicants must prove their life is threatened or discriminated against in their country of origin.

    7. For distinguished services to Malta.

    Obtaining Malta citizenship by work permit directly is not possible.

  • How easy is it to get citizenship in Malta?

    Obtaining Maltese nationality is difficult, but the exact steps and time frame depend on the chosen way. In any case, an applicant must fulfil all requirements and pass several rigorous checks.

    The fastest option is to get Malta citizenship for exceptional services by direct investment. The process takes one or three years, and the minimum investment starts at €690,000.

  • How to get the second passport by investment in Malta?

    It is not possible to obtain a Maltese passport directly by investment. Instead, investors acquire citizenship by naturalisation for exceptional services by direct investment. The entire process takes 14 to 36 months and involves obtaining Malta residency.

    An investor should start by contacting a licensed agent, such as Immigrant Invest. Our lawyers help obtain the second passport with minimal time loss.

    The first step is preliminary Due Diligence. The lawyers analyse the investor’s situation and identify any risks of rejection.

    The next step is obtaining residency in Malta. At this point, the investor visits Malta for fingerprinting and choosing property. There is no need to wait for a residence card in Malta. Immigrant Invest experts will receive it and forward it to the investor.

    In the meantime, our lawyers collect all the documents necessary for Due Diligence and submit them to the Community Malta Agency. The Agency conducts its own Due Diligence. If the Agency approves the application, the investor makes the investment. The last step is the oath of allegiance, biometrics appointment, and passport obtaining in Malta.