Real estate in St Lucia

Buyer's guide

  • Who can buy a property in St Lucia

    Citizens and residents of the country can buy real estate in Saint Lucia freely. Foreigners need to buy a Landholding Licence.

    Foreigners who purchase real estate under the Saint Lucia Citizenship program are exempt from buying a licence.

  • Property prices by region in St Lucia

    The average housing cost per 1 m² in Saint Lucia is $6,500. In remote island settlements, real estate can be even cheaper, with prices for 1 m² starting at $1,000.

    The most expensive properties are located near beaches and natural attractions. The highest apartment prices are observed in the city of Castries city, the capital of Saint Lucia.

  • Property purchase procedure in St Lucia

    Property in Saint Lucia can be chosen remotely. Foreigners then need to get a land ownership licence. The licence costs vary from $2,300 to $4,200.

    The parties enter into a preliminary purchase and sale agreement. The buyer deposits at least 10% of the real estate’s value. This is necessary so the seller could withdraw the property from the market. Then the parties sign the main purchase and sale agreement. The new owner receives a certificate of ownership in Saint Lucia’s state registry.

    Read the article

  • Property purchase taxes in St Lucia

    When buying property in Saint Lucia, individuals and businesses pay a transfer tax and stamp duty.

    The transfer tax is the same, whether the buyer is an individual or a company — the rate is 2%. Stamp duty is paid by both parties. For the buyer, the tax is 2%, and the seller’s tax depends on the residence. Non-resident sellers in Saint Lucia pay a 10% tax, while the rate for residents is determined by the property value.

    Read the article

  • St Lucia citizenship by purchasing real estate

    Saint Lucia has a government-run citizenship by investment program. One of the program’s options is buying real estate. Investors meet several conditions:

    • select a property from the government-approved list;

    • buy a property worth at least $300,000;

    • hold the purchased property for at least 5 years.

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Guide to obtaining St Lucia citizenship

  • Step-by-step procedure

  • Requirements for applicants

  • Required documents

  • Answers to frequently asked questions

PDF, 36 pages, 12 MB

Property types in St Lucia

Studios, apartments, villas, and townhouses are listed for purchase. Investors can also buy shares in hotel complexes, premises for offices and shops, land plots, and marinas. Available properties and real estate projects depend on the selected country and the terms of the investment citizenship or residency program.

Real estate investment in St Lucia

By making an investment in real estate in St Lucia, you can join the country’s Citizenship by Investment program. The minimum real estate expense is $300,000.

Investors purchase real estate projects approved by the St Lucia Cabinet of Ministers. Eligible properties are commercial and belong to the hospitality industry: investors can choose luxury five-star branded hotels, resorts, or boutique accommodations. The minimum investment of €300,000 applies to any type of eligible property.

Shared and full ownership of a property is allowed under the Citizenship by Investment program in St Lucia. A citizenship applicant can also invest in a property under construction.

Property investments can bring an annual yield of 2%—5%. St Lucia has a robust tourism sector, being a Caribbean nation. Investing in high-end hotel accommodations is profitable. Investors can also resell their property for profit after 5 years.

If you are planning to purchase investment real estate and obtain citizenship in St Lucia, Immigrant Invest will assist you at every stage. Real estate projects that we present for sale are approved by the St Lucia government for the citizenship program. We will arrange a remote viewing and help with reserving it and fulfilling your investment pledge. In 5 years, we will gladly assist with reselling the investment property.

Immigrant Invest is a licensed agent for state citizenship and residency programs in the Europe Union and the Caribbean.