22 August, 2024
Reading Time: 7 min

10 reasons why Caribbean citizenship is so popular

A Caribbean passport offers investors significant benefits, such as visa-free travel to at least 145 countries, tax advantages, second citizenship for the whole family, business opportunities, and a safe haven in a tropical paradise.

Five Caribbean countries grant citizenship under state investment programs: Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda, St Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis, and Grenada. The number of investors obtaining citizenship in these countries grows each year by 10 to 30%.

Learn about the other opportunities available to investors, the costs involved in obtaining citizenship, and whether it’s possible to recover the investment.

Lyle Julien

Author •Lyle Julien

Told about the opportunities investors get with Caribbean passports

Comparison and benefits of the Caribbean citizenship by investment programs

10 reasons why Caribbean citizenship is so popular

Global mobility as the key benefit of a Caribbean passport

Holders of Caribbean passports can travel freely to over 145 countries, including the Schengen Area, the UK, and Singapore. Passports of Grenada, Dominica, and Antigua and Barbuda also allow visa-free entry to China.

Besides, holders of a Caribbean Community passport can enter the country of their citizenship even if its borders are closed to foreigners.

Caribbean citizenship also allows faster access to a US B‑1/B‑2 Visitor Visa, valid for 10 years. The visa can be obtained within 2 or 3 weeks at a US consulate. In comparison, citizens of other countries may wait for half a year or longer to get a US visa.

Investors with Grenada citizenship can obtain a 5-year E‑2 visa to the USA for themselves and their families by making a significant investment in an American business. This visa permits unlimited entry to the US, the ability to live and work in the country, and the opportunity to send children to American schools and universities.

the Caribbean passport by investment

9 other benefits of a Caribbean passport

1. Safe haven. Investors can relocate to a Caribbean country of their citizenship during unforeseen circumstances, such as political instability. They can enter the country at any time, even when borders are closed to foreigners.

2. Passport for the whole family. Caribbean countries allow investors to obtain citizenship with their spouses, children, and parents. Some states allow grandparents and siblings to get passports.

3. Cost-efficient investment. Caribbean citizenship programs are among the most affordable, with a minimum investment of $200,000.

4. Second citizenship in less than a year. The process of getting a Caribbean passport takes 6+ months. In comparison, EU citizenship by naturalisation usually requires at least 5 years of residency.

5. International business. Caribbean countries allow investors to register a company and conduct business. According to the International Monetary Fund, Caribbean countries have higher economic growth than the EU or the USA.

6. Tax optimisation. Some Caribbean countries do not levy taxes on inheritance, gift, capital gains, or foreign income.

7. Second passport for future generations. The Caribbean citizenship can be passed down to investor’s children and grandchildren.

8. Access to reputable banks. Caribbean citizens can quickly open accounts with international banks, including European ones.

9. Prestigious British education for children. Investors receive benefits when applying to some UK universities, as Caribbean countries are part of the Commonwealth of Nations.

How can a foreigner obtain Caribbean citizenship?

Caribbean citizenship can be obtained in various ways, such as naturalisation or marriage to a citizen of the chosen country.

Naturalisation generally takes at least 7 years of residency. In St Kitts and Nevis, it takes 14 years of residency.

Citizenship through marriage is faster, with foreign spouses eligible after 1 to 3 years of marriage and residency.

The fastest route to Caribbean citizenship is to participate in a citizenship by investment program.

The minimum investment amount varies depending on the country and the chosen investment option. For example, Dominica offers the lowest investment threshold for single investors, who can obtain citizenship with a $200,000 contribution to a state fund.

An investor’s family members obtain citizenship under the same application: as a rule, a spouse, children, parents, grandparents, and siblings can qualify. The cost of their participation depends on the country and the chosen investment option.

Investors and their families generally don’t need to visit the country, pass a language or history exam, or obtain a residence permit. Exceptions include Antigua and Barbuda, where investors must spend at least 5 days in the country within the first 5 years, and St Kitts and Nevis, where applicants must collect their citizenship documents in person.

All applicants for Caribbean citizenship must pass a Due Diligence check and undergo an interview. The interview can be conducted online and in a language of the investor’s choice, with an interpreter provided if needed.

How to get Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment

Antigua and Barbuda consists of two main islands to the east of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and to the north of Guadeloupe. The country offers one of the newest citizenship programs in the Caribbean, which was launched in 2013.

There are four investment options under the Antigua and Barbuda CBI program:

  1. A non-refundable contribution to the National Development Fund. The minimum investment is $230,000 for any number of applicants.

  2. Real estate purchase. Investors buy shares or properties in government-approved projects, with a minimum value of $300,000. The investment requirement is the same for both a single applicant or a family of up to five members.

  3. Donation to a higher education institution. This non-refundable option is available for families of six or more, with a minimum contribution of $260,000.

  4. Business investment. A sole investor needs to spend $1.5 million or more to develop a company in the country. The business investment can also be done collectively. In this case, the minimum investment is $5 million, with each applicant contributing at least $400,000.

Most investment options in Antigua and Barbuda are suitable for large families, with citizenship extended to the investor’s spouse, children under 30, siblings, and parents or grandparents over 55.

Citizenship opportunities for investors in Dominica

Dominica is located in the Eastern Caribbean, between the French islands of Guadeloupe to the north and Martinique to the south. The country launched the citizenship by investment program in 1993.

Dominica offers two investment options with the most affordable requirements among Caribbean countries:

  1. Non-refundable contribution to the Economic Diversification Fund. The minimum investment is $200,000 for a single investor and $250,000 for a family of four.

  2. Real estate purchase. Applicants invest $200,000 or more in government-approved properties. The property can be sold after 3 years, but if sold to another investor, ownership must be held for at least 5 years.

Investor’s family members eligible for a Dominica passport include a spouse, children under 30, unmarried daughters under 25, and parents and grandparents over 65.

Investment pathways for Grenada citizenship

Grenada is located in the southeastern Caribbean, north of Trinidad and Tobago, and southwest of St Vincent and the Grenadines. The Grenada citizenship program has been working since 2013.

To obtain a passport in Grenada, investors choose one of the two options:

  1. Non-refundable contribution to the National Transformation Fund. The contribution amount is the same both for a single investor and a family of four — $235,000 or more.

  2. Real estate purchase. The minimum investment for a share in government-approved real estate projects in tourism, agriculture, or other sectors is $270,000. In other cases, the sum of the purchased property must be at least $350,000.

Grenada’s program extends to spouses, children under 30, parents, grandparents, and siblings over 18.

Routes to St Lucia citizenship by investment

St Lucia lies north of St Vincent and the Grenadines, south of Martinique, and west of Barbados.

Citizenship by investment program in St Lucia is also one of the newest: it was launched in 2015.

St Lucia offers the widest range of investment options:

  1. Non-refundable contribution to the National Economic Fund of St Lucia — $240,000+. The investment sum does not depend on the family composition.

  2. Purchase of non-interest-bearing government bonds — $300,000+. The investment can be fully redeemed in 5 years, allowing the investor to return the money.

  3. Real estate purchase — $300,000+. The investment amount is the same regardless of the number of applicants. The property can be sold after 5 years.

  4. Infrastructure project investment — $250,000+. A foreigner invests in government-approved projects in St Lucia, such as ports, bridges, roads, and highways.

  5. Business investment — at least $1,000,000 if part of a group investment totalling $6 million or more. For a sole investor, the minimum amount is $3.5 million.

The investor’s spouse, children under 30, parents over 55, and siblings under 18 can also get citizenship under the investment program.

How to obtain citizenship in St Kitts and Nevis

St Kitts and Nevis consists of islands located to the west of Antigua and Barbuda and southeast of the US Virgin Islands. The country’s citizenship by investment program, established in 1984, is the oldest in the world.

There are three options for investors in St Kitts and Nevis to choose from:

  1. Non-refundable contribution to the Federal Consolidated Fund. The minimum investment amount is $250,000 for a single investor or a family of four.

  2. Real estate purchase. Investors can purchase a share in a government-approved real estate project or a condominium unit for at least $400,000. The minimum investment for a single-family private dwelling is $800,000. The property can be sold after 7 years.

  3. Public Benefit Option. Applicants invest $250,000 or more in initiatives that are considered Approved Public Benefit Projects.

Investors can include their spouse, children under 25, and parents over 65 in their citizenship application.

Overview: how much to invest to get Caribbean citizenship

Caribbean citizenship can be obtained with a minimum investment of $200,000, and the process typically takes 6 months or more. This method is relatively fast and affordable compared to other countries, such as Malta, where investors must spend at least €690,000 and hold a residence permit for 1 to 3 years.

Investors additionally pay state and administrative fees, Due Diligence costs, and fees for document preparation services. These expenses vary depending on the program, the number of applicants, and their ages.

Comparison of program conditions in Caribbean countries



• $200,000+ — a non-refundable contribution to the state fund

• $200,000+ — purchase of real estate


6+ months



• $230,000+ — a non-refundable contribution to the state fund

• $260,000 — non-refundable contribution to a higher education institution for families of 6 or more

• $300,000+ — purchase of real estate

• $400,000+ — business investment


6+ months



• $235,000+ — a non-refundable contribution to the state fund

• $270,000+ — purchase of real estate


8+ months



• $240,000+ — a non-refundable contribution to the state fund

• $300,000+ — purchase of real estate

• $300,000+ — purchase of government bonds

• $250,000+ — infrastructure project investment

• $1,000,000+ — business investment


6+ months



• $250,000 — a non-refundable contribution to the state fund

• $250,000+ — investment in Public Benefit Projects

• $400,000 — purchase of real estate


6+ months

How to invest in Caribbean real estate and get the money back in 3—7 years

Real estate chosen for investment under a citizenship program must be approved by a government of the chosen country. Typically, applicants buy shares or apartments in hotel complexes.

Shares in Caribbean real estate may be in physical properties, trust, or bonds. The cost of shares ranges from $200,000 to $440,000, with apartments costing up to several million dollars.

Private houses can be purchased when obtaining a passport in St Kitts and Nevis. These properties must also be government-approved and require investments of at least $800,000.

Investors can sell their properties after a period which is specified by each particular country and ranges from 3 to 7 years.

The shortest ownership period is in Dominica: there, investors can sell real estate after 3 years. However, it cannot be sold to other investors seeking a Dominica passport as the property can re-enter the program only after 5 years. That’s why, in practice, investors sell real estate after 5 years.

St Kitts and Nevis requires investors to hold real estate for 7 years before selling it. Properties bought in Grenada, St Lucia, and Antigua and Barbuda can be sold after 5 years.

Step-by-step procedure of obtaining citizenship by investment in the Caribbean

Investors can obtain a Caribbean passport within 6+ months. The process may vary depending on the country.


1 day

Preliminary Due Diligence

To prepare for a Due Diligence check in the Citizenship by Investment unit, Immigrant Invest conducts a preliminary check of investor’s diligence. This helps identify potential issues and reduce the risk of refusal.

The preliminary Due Diligence check is confidential. The investor only needs to provide their passport.


2 to 4 weeks

Preparation of documents

Immigrant Invest lawyers prepare a set of documents required to apply for citizenship, which they then submit to the country’s CBI unit. Investors cannot apply for a Caribbean islands passport without an authorised agent.


2 to 6 months

Due Diligence

The CBI unit of the chosen country processes the investor’s documents and checks background information on the investor and their family in international databases.

Applicants over 16 also undergo a mandatory interview, which can be conducted online.


1 to 3 months

Approval and fulfilment of investment condition

After receiving approval, the investor fulfils the investment requirement by making a contribution, purchasing real estate, or investing in government bonds or a business.


Up to 4 weeks

Receiving a passport

The CBI unit issues a naturalisation certificate and then a passport. The documents are sent by courier to the investor’s address.

Some countries have special requirements at this stage. In St Kitts and Nevis, the documents must be collected in person.

Participants in the Antigua and Barbuda program complete an additional step before obtaining citizenship: the investor and all adult family members must take an oath, either during a video conference, at a consulate, or when visiting the country.

Key points on the appeal of Caribbean citizenship by investment

  1. Caribbean citizenship by investment is popular with investors due to the benefits it offers. The key benefits include visa-free travel, business opportunities, tax optimisation, short obtaining time, and citizenship for the whole family.

  2. A Caribbean islands passport allows investors to visit over 145 countries, including the Schengen Area, the UK, and Singapore. Additionally, citizens of Grenada, Dominica, and Antigua and Barbuda can enter China without a visa.

  3. Investors can choose from a variety of investment options to obtain citizenship, including contributions to state funds, real estate purchases, and business investments.

  4. Caribbean citizenship programs are relatively affordable compared to other countries. The investment threshold in Caribbean countries is $200,000—250,000 for non-refundable contributions and $200,000—800,000 for property purchases.

  5. Investors and their families are not required to pass language or history exams or constantly live in the country. The only exception is Antigua and Barbuda, where investors must visit the country for at least 5 days during the first 5 years.

Immigrant Invest is a licensed agent for citizenship and residence by investment programs in the EU, the Caribbean, Asia, and the Middle East. Take advantage of our global 15-year expertise — schedule a meeting with our investment programs experts.

Frequently asked questions

  • Which Caribbean countries offer citizenship by investment?

    Citizenship by investment in the Caribbean can be obtained in Grenada, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, St Kitts and Nevis, and St Lucia. The citizenship is acquired in 6+ months, depending on the specific program.

  • Why to get citizenship by investment in a Caribbean country?

    To travel visa-free around the world. Caribbean passport holders can travel without visas to the Schengen Area, the UK, and Singapore, and more. Passports of Grenada, Dominica, and Antigua and Barbuda allow visa-free visits to China. Grenada citizens can also apply for an E‑2 business visa to the United States.

    To optimise taxation. Caribbean countries offer favourable tax conditions, such as no taxes on inheritance, gifts, capital gains, or foreign income. It’s also easier for Caribbean tax residents to open European bank accounts and conduct international business.

    To study in the UK. As part of the British Commonwealth, Caribbean countries offer preferential terms for enrolling in British universities. Parents can visit their children and stay in the UK for up to 180 days without a visa.

  • What to invest in to get citizenship in the Caribbean?

    Foreigners can invest in real estate or a country’s state fund to qualify for Caribbean citizenship. Contributions typically require less money but are non-refundable. Properties can be sold in 3 to 7 years, allowing investors to recover their funds.

    Some countries offer additional options. For example, the St Lucia program allows for investment in a business or the purchase of government bonds. To get an Antigua and Barbuda passport, one can invest in a business.

  • How much does it cost to obtain Caribbean citizenship?

    Investment program costs vary by country. The minimum investment amount starts from $200,000 in Dominica, $230,000 in Antigua and Barbuda, $240,000 in St Lucia, $235,000 in Grenada, and $250,000 in St Kitts and Nevis.

    The investor also bears additional costs, including state and administrative fees, Due Diligence, and paperwork.

  • Is it possible to profit from investments under a citizenship program?

    Yes, participants of CBI programs can gain profit in case of purchasing real estate or developing a business.

    Investors can only purchase real estate approved by the government. These are usually hotels or residential complexes which are rented out and generate rental income. The investor receives a share of the rental income corresponding to their share in the property.

    To return the investment, an investor has to wait for 3 to 7 years, depending on the country. If the property value increases, investors may even profit.

  • How can I get the Caribbean passport?

    To get a Caribbean passport, foreigners can invest in one of five countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St Lucia, or St Kitts and Nevis. The minimum investment starts at $200,000. The process usually takes 6 to 8 months. Applications can only be submitted through an authorised agent, such as Immigrant Invest.

  • Which Caribbean citizenship is best?

    The choice of a Caribbean country to obtain citizenship depends on the investor’s goals and needs, investment amount, visa-free travel conditions, and processing time.

    Dominica offers the most affordable investment options, starting at $200,000, while Grenada is ideal for those interested in the American E‑2 visa, allowing business opportunities in the USA. The best option for big families is Antigua and Barbuda.