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7 most popular countries to move to from the UK

March 14, 2023|23:51 |E 2

More and more Brits are now looking to emigrate abroad due to rising energy bills, interest rates, taxes, and food and petrol prices. But there are other things, including the consequences of Brexit, safety issues in major British cities and the people’s desire to live in a more pleasant climate for a change.

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In this episode, we will explore the main reasons for moving from the UK and:

  • Where do the British relocate to most often?

  • What advantages can popular destinations offer?

  • How to become a resident or a citizen of another country in the most cost- and time-efficient way possible?

  • What should one do if they decide to move from the UK abroad?

Listen to the episode and choose the best-suited country for starting a new life abroad.

Scooter Clarke, Narrator

The text version of the episode
Lyle Julien

Material prepared by Lyle Julien, Investment programs expert

Travelling within the EU and Schengen Area with a second passport or a residence permit

7 most popular countries to move to from the UK