passport of New Zealand

New Zealand Passport

Passport rankings out of 199 countries

Freedom of travel6

Asset protection2

Quality of life13

"Plan B"6

About New Zealand

A state in Polynesia, in the Pacific Ocean. It occupies two large islands - North and South - and a number of small islands. The closest neighbors are Australia, New Caledonia, Tonga and Fiji.

New Zealand is a developed country. Its economy is based on agriculture, tourism, manufacturing and food industries. Tourists are drawn to natural attractions such as Fiordland, Abel Tasman and Mount Cook National Parks.


5.1 million



Official language

English, Maori, New Zealand Sign Language

GDP per capita


Time zone



New Zealand dollar

New passport ranking and benefits

  • 1

    Travel to 186 countries

    A New Zealand passport provides visa-free access to the Schengen countries, the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, and Hong Kong. To travel to the United States and Canada, you just need to get a digital entry permit.

  • 2

    Life in New Zealand

    New Zealand is in the top ten happiest countries according to the UN and the top ten best places for expat life based on the InterNations survey results. Citizenship allows you to live, work and study in New Zealand — a country with a high quality of life, medicine, and ecology.

  • 3

    Education and treatment in New Zealand

    Eight universities in New Zealand are included in the top 500 universities in the world according to QS World University Rankings. At the same time, the cost of studying in the country is lower than in Australia, the United States, or European countries.Applicants with a New Zealand passport can participate in the state Fees Free program and study at the university for free. New Zealand citizens also receive health care free of charge or at a government subsidy discount.

  • 4

    Work and international business

    New Zealand ranks second in the world by the level of economic freedom. There are government programs to support businesses in the country. Tax residents of the country do not pay taxes on capital gains, gifts, inheritance, property, and land.

Grounds for obtaining a New Zealand passport

New Zealand allows dual citizenship

birth icon

Birth to citizens of the country

marriage icon

Marriage to a citizen of the country

government icon

Work for the country's government

naturalization icon


Estimated time: 5 years

repatriation icon


adopt icon


family icon

Parents citizenship

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Special conditions

investment icon

Special services to the state

Obtaining a New Zealand passport by naturalization: requirements for applicants

Knowledge of state language

Assimilation or cultural knowledge

Stable financial status

Good health

No criminal records

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I get a New Zealand passport?

    New Zealand citizenship is obtained by right of blood or descent, through adoption, marriage, or naturalisation.

    To obtain New Zealand citizenship by naturalisation, you must have lived in the country for at least 5 years, of which 240 days annually or 1,350 days in total are spent directly on the territory of the state.

    It is desirable for a citizenship applicant to have a permanent job in the country, housing, or assets - to confirm their intention to stay in the country after obtaining a passport. You also need to be proficient in English at a level sufficient for everyday communication, and not have a criminal record.

    A New Zealand passport through marriage can be obtained three years after the relationship is registered. You are allowed to stay outside the country for no more than 270 days out of three years after marriage, and no more than 90 days in the last year before applying for citizenship.

  • Does New Zealand recognize second citizenship?

    Yes, so when you get New Zealand citizenship, you don’t need to give up your first passport.

  • How to live in New Zealand with citizenship of another country?

    To move to New Zealand, a foreigner needs to obtain a residence permit in the country. A temporary residence permit is issued for employment in a local company, opening a business in the country, studying at a university, or for family reunification. A New Zealand residence permit can be obtained for investments starting from 3 million New Zealand dollars, or from 2.1 million US dollars. It is allowed to invest money in investment fund units, real estate, businesses, and charitable foundations.

    For short-term trips or initial entry to New Zealand, for example, a Portuguese or Maltese passport is suitable. Citizens of these countries receive an electronic permit to enter New Zealand with the right to stay for up to 3 months per half-year.

  • Who can get New Zealand citizenship by birthright?

    Children born on the territory of New Zealand before 2006, received citizenship of the country automatically-by right of soil. If a child is born after January 1, 2006, they will receive a New Zealand passport by right of blood: only if at least one of their parents is a citizen or permanent resident of New Zealand.

New Zealand Passport in comparison with other passports