Data used by Immigrant Invest
to rank passports
193 countries
Included in the ranking
12 indicators
Used for evaluation
Once a year
Data updated
Second citizenship allows you to live in the country selected by you without any restrictions, travel extensively without visas, do business abroad, and ensure your family's safety. To help you choose a country to move to or citizenship by investment program, we have compiled four passport rankings:
freedom of travel;
improved quality of life for the investor and their family;
asset protection;
plan “B” for contingencies.
Immigrant Invest’s lawyers have collected and analysed data from 193 UN-member countries. The rankings are based on information from the World Bank, the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the UN, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the CIA, and government legislation from various countries.
Each passport ranked by Immigrant Invest is based on data from three statistical studies according to different parameters. Each has its own weight in the final assessment.
Passport ranking based on freedom of travel
Countries can enter into visa-free travel agreements with each other. The more such agreements a country has, the more states its citizens can visit without a visa. Bolivia citizens can visit 79 countries without a visa, while an Ireland passport allows you to travel visa-free to 186 countries.
Ranking distribution factors
Passport mobility ranking
This takes into account the number of countries that can be visited without a visa with the passport of a specific country. The higher the score, the more freedom of travel for citizens of that country.
Source: IATA
This takes into account the number of countries that can be visited without a visa with the passport of a specific country. The higher the score, the more freedom of travel for citizens of that country.
Source: IATA
Human Development Index
It is based on an assessment of literacy, the standard of living, and life expectancy in each UN country. The higher the index, the more comfortable it is to live in the country specified: the higher the average income, the better the educational system and health services. It is especially important when obtaining citizenship by naturalisation after several years of residence in the country.
It is based on an assessment of literacy, the standard of living, and life expectancy in each UN country. The higher the index, the more comfortable it is to live in the country specified: the higher the average income, the better the educational system and health services. It is especially important when obtaining citizenship by naturalisation after several years of residence in the country.
Ranking based on the speed of getting citizenship by investment
Usually, foreigners obtain citizenship by naturalisation: they move to the country, live there for several years, follow the local laws, learn the language, and then apply for citizenship. Each country has its own legislation: for example, in Portugal, you can apply for citizenship after five years as a resident, while in Austria, the process can take up to 30 years.
The ranking is based on how quickly a country’s passport can be obtained: the shorter the period of residence required for naturalisation, the higher the score. The country is assigned zero points if a foreigner cannot get citizenship. The country is assigned five points if the process takes up to a year.
Source: Citizenship legislation and legal expertise at Immigrant Invest
Usually, foreigners obtain citizenship by naturalisation: they move to the country, live there for several years, follow the local laws, learn the language, and then apply for citizenship. Each country has its own legislation: for example, in Portugal, you can apply for citizenship after five years as a resident, while in Austria, the process can take up to 30 years.
The ranking is based on how quickly a country’s passport can be obtained: the shorter the period of residence required for naturalisation, the higher the score. The country is assigned zero points if a foreigner cannot get citizenship. The country is assigned five points if the process takes up to a year.
Source: Citizenship legislation and legal expertise at Immigrant Invest
Passport ranking for improved quality of life for your family
Moving to another country allows you to increase your income, access quality health care, and live in an ecologically cleaner environment. The ranking evaluates the standard of living in countries throughout the world.
Ranking factors
GDP per capita
This indicator indicates the level of economic development of the country. It can also be used to judge the well-being of local residents: the richer the country, the higher the average income and level of consumption.
Source: World Bank
This indicator indicates the level of economic development of the country. It can also be used to judge the well-being of local residents: the richer the country, the higher the average income and level of consumption.
Source: World Bank
Average life expectancy
The indicator is calculated based on the assumption that the mortality rate of the population of all ages will remain the same as in the year under review.
Life expectancy is affected by the quality of medical services, food quality, the social environment, the ecology, the nature of a person’s work, and other conditions. Life expectancy is usually higher in countries with a peaceful and secure environment and a high level of health services available.
Source: CIA, The World Factbook
The indicator is calculated based on the assumption that the mortality rate of the population of all ages will remain the same as in the year under review.
Life expectancy is affected by the quality of medical services, food quality, the social environment, the ecology, the nature of a person’s work, and other conditions. Life expectancy is usually higher in countries with a peaceful and secure environment and a high level of health services available.
Source: CIA, The World Factbook
Ranking a country based on how quickly citizenship can be obtained
The faster the passport of the chosen country is granted, the sooner the investor will be able to enjoy all the rights of a citizen, including social security services, preferential medical treatment terms, and visa-free travel.
The ranking takes into account the speed of naturalisation and the possibility of obtaining a passport through an accelerated procedure.
Source: Citizenship legislation and legal expertise at Immigrant Invest
The faster the passport of the chosen country is granted, the sooner the investor will be able to enjoy all the rights of a citizen, including social security services, preferential medical treatment terms, and visa-free travel.
The ranking takes into account the speed of naturalisation and the possibility of obtaining a passport through an accelerated procedure.
Source: Citizenship legislation and legal expertise at Immigrant Invest
Passport ranking related to asset protection
Making business international and protecting assets is one of the purposes for which Immigrant Invest’s clients obtain a second citizenship. The rating shows how easy it is to form a company abroad, conduct business, and pay taxes in different countries.
How the rankings were assigned
Ranking country by the ease of doing business
The World Bank’s researchers assessed how easy it was to do business in different countries: form a company, register real estate, pay taxes, and work with foreign partners.
Source: World Bank, Doing Business
The World Bank’s researchers assessed how easy it was to do business in different countries: form a company, register real estate, pay taxes, and work with foreign partners.
Source: World Bank, Doing Business
Ranking a country based on ease of paying taxes
This ranking is part of the previous ranking of the World Bank. The bank’s experts estimated the amount of taxes companies pay in different countries, how much time is taken up in the tax reporting period and in receiving VAT refunds.
Source: World Bank, Doing Business
This ranking is part of the previous ranking of the World Bank. The bank’s experts estimated the amount of taxes companies pay in different countries, how much time is taken up in the tax reporting period and in receiving VAT refunds.
Source: World Bank, Doing Business
Ranking a country based on how quickly citizenship can be granted
It is easier for citizens to register companies and open bank accounts than foreigners.
The ranking is based on how quickly the country’s passport is issued: Immigrant Invest’s lawyers analysed citizenship laws and estimated how long it would take to be naturalised or obtain citizenship by investment.
Source: Citizenship legislation and legal expertise at Immigrant Invest
It is easier for citizens to register companies and open bank accounts than foreigners.
The ranking is based on how quickly the country’s passport is issued: Immigrant Invest’s lawyers analysed citizenship laws and estimated how long it would take to be naturalised or obtain citizenship by investment.
Source: Citizenship legislation and legal expertise at Immigrant Invest
Passport ranking based on plan “B” for contingencies
You can create a safe haven in the country of second citizenship: buy real estate, open a bank account, etc. And in case of danger, you can quickly go there: citizens of another country do not need a visa or other documents.
Ranking factors
Country risk
Reflects political and economic risks for investors. Country risk allows you to assess the likelihood of a crisis in the state: war, revolution, natural disaster, and others.
Reflects political and economic risks for investors. Country risk allows you to assess the likelihood of a crisis in the state: war, revolution, natural disaster, and others.
The rule of law
This indicator reflects how developed the country’s legal framework is based on the principle of the rule of law. The higher it is, the less likely it is that an innocent party will lose in court or that a law-abiding citizen will face problems with the government.
This indicator reflects how developed the country’s legal framework is based on the principle of the rule of law. The higher it is, the less likely it is that an innocent party will lose in court or that a law-abiding citizen will face problems with the government.
Ranking a country based on how quickly a passport can be granted
The higher the country’s place in this ranking, the faster a foreigner can obtain citizenship. As a citizen, you can live in another country, travel and still retain your second passport, and with it the possibility to come to the country of second citizenship at any time and stay there for any length of time.
Source: citizenship legislation and legal expertise at Immigrant Invest
The higher the country’s place in this ranking, the faster a foreigner can obtain citizenship. As a citizen, you can live in another country, travel and still retain your second passport, and with it the possibility to come to the country of second citizenship at any time and stay there for any length of time.
Source: citizenship legislation and legal expertise at Immigrant Invest
Who has created the ranking?
Immigrant Invest is an international consulting company that helps wealthy people to obtain residency or citizenship by investment in Europe, the Caribbean, and Oceania. We have been working since 2006, and during this time, 99% of our client applications for a second citizenship or residence permit have been granted.
Our legal department took part in preparation and review of our passport ranking system. They selected dedicated sources and analysed citizenship laws to rank countries in terms of how quickly a passport could be granted and based on other factors.

Elena Ruda,
Chief Development Officer at Immigrant Invest
Investors contact us to get the opportunity to travel visa-free in the Schengen countries, the UK, and the US, as well as to relocate their families. Many of them need to expand their business and provide their families with a high standard of living and security.
We hope that the passport ranking created by us will help you to make the first step towards fulfilling your goals: deciding which country’s citizenship best suits you and your family’s requirements and wishes.
Learn more about passport ratings
Please contact us if you have any questions about ratings. Let's tell why the seats are distributed in such a way that gives a second citizenship and how to get it in a few months.