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11 unquestionable Vanuatu and Caribbean citizenship benefits that make you dream about their passports

September 25, 2024|10:52 |E 80

Exploring the benefits of a Caribbean passport, highlighting the ease, financial perks, and increased global mobility a second citizenship offers to investors and their families.

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Investors can enjoy the cheapest and fastest citizenship options to gain extensive Caribbean passport benefits, including visa-free travel to over 100 countries, long-term US Visitor Visas, and significant tax optimisation opportunities.

However, even those are not the only benefits of Caribbean citizenship. Stay tuned to explore why it might be a good idea to obtain a second passport in one of the listed countries.

The text version of the episode
Lyle Julien

Material prepared by Lyle Julien, Investment programs expert

11 benefits and 5 disadvantages of Malta permanent residency

11 unquestionable Vanuatu and Caribbean citizenship benefits that make you dream about their passports