Sri Lanka Passport
Passport rankings out of 193 countries
Freedom of travel144
Asset protection122
Quality of life107
"Plan B"143
About Sri Lanka
An island state in South Asia. It occupies the territory of the island of the same name off the southeastern coast of Hindustan. It borders India, is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal and the Laccadive Sea. Sri Lanka is part of the Commonwealth of Nations.
Sri Lanka produces about 10% of the world's tea. In addition, precious stones are mined on the island, cinnamon is grown and rubber is produced. Tourism is a developed sector of the economy: tourists are attracted by beaches, historical and natural attractions.
21.9 million
Official language
Sinhalese, Tamil
GDP per capita
Time zone
Sri Lankan rupee
Grounds for obtaining a Sri Lanka passport
Sri Lanka allows dual citizenship
Birth to citizens of the country
Marriage to a citizen of the country
Work for the country's government
Estimated time: null
Parents citizenship
Special conditions
Special services to the state
Obtaining a Sri Lanka passport by naturalization: requirements for applicants
Knowledge of state language
Assimilation or cultural knowledge
Stable financial status
Good health
No criminal records