passport of Malaysia

Malaysia Passport

Passport rankings out of 199 countries

Freedom of travel43

Asset protection35

Quality of life65

"Plan B"56

About Malaysia

A state in Southeast Asia. It consists of two parts separated by the South China Sea: West Malaysia is located on the Malay Peninsula, and East Malaysia is located in the northern part of Kalimantan. It borders on Thailand, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and the Philippines.

In Malaysia, they extract oil, develop agriculture, produce electronic chips and equipment. In addition, this country is the center of Islamic banking.


32.7 million


Kuala Lumpur

Official language


GDP per capita


Time zone




Grounds for obtaining a Malaysia passport

birth icon

Birth to citizens of the country

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Marriage to a citizen of the country

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Work for the country's government

naturalization icon


Estimated time: 11 years

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family icon

Parents citizenship

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Special conditions

investment icon

Special services to the state

Obtaining a Malaysia passport by naturalization: requirements for applicants

Knowledge of state language

Assimilation or cultural knowledge

Stable financial status

Good health

No criminal records

Frequently asked questions

  • What does Malaysian citizenship provide?

    A Malaysian passport allows you to visit 178 countries without a visa. Citizens of a country can reside on its territory and use the rights provided for by the country’s legislation.

  • How to get Malaysian citizenship by naturalisation?

    A foreigner must have lived in the country for at least 10 of the last 12 years, speak Malay and have high moral standards.

    Malaysian citizenship can be obtained through marriage, it it’s not annulled or annulled within the first two years.

  • Does Malaysia recognize second citizenship?

    Malaysian citizens are not allowed to have a second citizenship.

  • Can a child acquire Malaysian citizenship if they were born in Malaysia?

    A child who is born to a family of Malaysian citizens or whose mother is Malaysian can obtain Malaysian citizenship by right of birth.

Malaysia Passport in comparison with other passports