Ukraine Passport
Passport rankings out of 193 countries
Freedom of travel45
Asset protection41
Quality of life83
"Plan B"117
About Ukraine
A state located in Eastern and Central Europe. It borders on Russia, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova. It is washed by the Black and Azov Seas. The country is in association with the European Union.
Metallurgy, energy, chemical and mining industries are developed in Ukraine. Coal, ore, phosphorites, potassium salts, common salt are mined in the country, automobiles, mineral fertilizers, building materials are produced. Ukraine has 32 million hectares of chernozem - a third of the arable land in Europe. The land is used and rented out. In addition, the service sector and tourism are developing in the country.
41.4 million
Official language
GDP per capita
Time zone
Grounds for obtaining an Ukraine passport
Birth to citizens of the country
Marriage to a citizen of the country
Work for the country's government
Estimated time: 5 years
Parents citizenship
Special conditions
Special services to the state
Obtaining an Ukraine passport by naturalization: requirements for applicants
Knowledge of state language
Assimilation or cultural knowledge
Stable financial status
Good health
No criminal records