passport of Ireland

Ireland Passport

Passport rankings out of 199 countries

Freedom of travel2

Asset protection1

Quality of life2

"Plan B"3

About Ireland

Irish passport can be obtained by birthright, repatriation, naturalization, adoption, marriage and special services to the state. Irish citizenship allows you to travel to 186 countries of the world and live in any EU country.

A state in Western Europe that occupies most of the island of Ireland. It borders on the UK. The Republic of Ireland is a member of the European Union, but has not joined the Schengen area in order to maintain its own immigration policy.

Ireland is a popular tourist destination. Foreigners visit the country to walk around famous cities, enjoy parks and natural attractions, see castles, monasteries, ancient sanctuaries. There are many interesting museums in the country, such as the Guinness Beer Museum and the National Leprechaun Museum in Dublin.


4.9 million



Official language

Irish, English

GDP per capita


Time zone




Ireland passport ranking and benefits

  • 1

    Residence in Ireland or another EU country

    Ireland is a member of the European Union. Citizenship of this country allows you to live on its territory or choose to move to another European country. You won’t need a residence permit in another EU country: simply register after three months of residence.

  • 2

    Access to 186 countries

    An Irish passport provides visa-free access to the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan and other countries.

    The country has not joined the Schengen Area. At the same time, an Irish passport entitles you to visa-free entry to the Schengen countries for up to 90 days out of every 180 days. To stay longer, you will need to get a simplified permit.

  • 3

    Study and healthcare in the European Union

    It is easier for a child with an Irish passport to be accepted to a university in a EU country. For them tuition will be less than for a citizen of a country that is not part of the EU. Irish citizens also receive benefits for medical treatment in the country and other EU states.

  • 4

    Jobs and international business

    An Irish passport allows you to open a company in the country or another European state. In order to have a job in the European Union, you won’t not need residence or work permits in advance.

Grounds for obtaining an Ireland passport

Ireland allows dual citizenship

birth icon

Birth to citizens of the country

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Marriage to a citizen of the country

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Work for the country's government

naturalization icon


Estimated time: 5 years

repatriation icon


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Parents citizenship

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Special conditions

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Special services to the state

Obtaining an Ireland passport by naturalization: requirements for applicants

Knowledge of state language

Assimilation or cultural knowledge

Stable financial status

Good health

No criminal records

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I get an Irish passport?

    Irish citizenship is obtained by birth, adoption, marriage, ancestry, special services to the state, or naturalisation.

    To obtain Italian citizenship by naturalisation, you must have lived in the country for at least 5 years, meet the requirement for permanent residence and have no criminal record.

    Children and grandchildren of Irish citizens are granted citizenship through ancestry. An applicant with Irish ancestry is registered in the Foreign Birth Register and is eligible to apply for an Irish passport.

    The spouse of an Irish citizen can obtain a passport by naturalisation. The period of stay is reduced to 3 years, and the spouse confirms their intention to reside in Ireland.

  • Does Ireland recognise second citizenship?

    Yes, Irish citizens can have multiple nationalities, as long as it does not contradict the laws of other states.

  • How to live in Ireland with citizenship of another state?

    Ireland is a member of the European Union, so you can move there using a simplified procedure with a passport of one of the EU states — for instance, Portugal or Malta.

  • Who can get Irish citizenship by birthright?

    Irish citizenship can be obtained by right of blood — if the child was born to Irish citizens. In this case, the place of birth does not matter.

    Citizenship of Ireland by right of birth is granted to any child born in the country before 2005. A child born after 2005 will receive citizenship if their parents are:

    • citizens of Ireland or Great Britain;

    • foreign nationals who have been legally residing in Ireland for three of the four years prior to the birth of the child;

    • unknown.