Guinea-Bissau Passport
Passport rankings out of 193 countries
Freedom of travel143
Asset protection130
Quality of life149
"Plan B"162
About Guinea-Bissau
A state in West Africa, which includes the mainland and the Bijagos archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean. Tourists come to Guinea-Bissau on safari. In addition, some travelers are interested in the traditional way of life of local tribes.
Guinea-Bissau is one of the poorest countries in the world. Its economy is based on agriculture: the inhabitants grow cashews, rice and other crops. The subsoil is rich in minerals - for example, oil - but they are not exported.
Grounds for obtaining a Guinea-Bissau passport
Birth to citizens of the country
Marriage to a citizen of the country
Work for the country's government
Parents citizenship
Special conditions
Special services to the state
Obtaining a Guinea-Bissau passport by naturalization: requirements for applicants
Knowledge of state language
Assimilation or cultural knowledge
Stable financial status
Good health
No criminal records