passport of France

France Passport

Passport rankings out of 199 countries

Freedom of travel13

Asset protection28

Quality of life14

"Plan B"15

About France

A state in Western Europe with several overseas territories. The European part borders on Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Spain, Andorra and Great Britain. It is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It is part of the European Union and the Schengen zone.

France is a highly developed post-industrial country that mines iron and uranium ores, bauxite, produces cars, equipment, machine tools, clothes, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, perfumes, famous cognacs, wines and cheeses. tourism is developed - this is the most visited country in the world.


67.4 million



Official language


GDP per capita


Time zone




France passport ranking and benefits

  • 1

    Residence in France or another EU country

    France is a member of the European Union. Citizenship of this country allows you to live on its territory or choose to move to another European country. You won’t need a residence permit in another EU country — only registering after three months of residence.

  • 2

    Travel to 188 countries

    A French passport provides visa-free access to the Schengen countries, the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, Hong Kong and others.

  • 3

    Education and medical services in the European Union

    It is easier for a child with a French passport to enroll in a EU university. Education will cost less than for a citizen of a country that is not part of the EU. In addition, French citizens receive benefits for medical treatment in their country and other EU countries.

  • 4

    Work and international business affairs

    A French passport allows you to open a company in this country or another European country. In order to work in the European Union, you do not need to obtain a residence or work permit in advance.

Grounds for obtaining a France passport

France allows dual citizenship

birth icon

Birth to citizens of the country

marriage icon

Marriage to a citizen of the country

government icon

Work for the country's government

naturalization icon


Estimated time: 5 years

repatriation icon


adopt icon


family icon

Parents citizenship

diamond icon

Special conditions

investment icon

Special services to the state

Obtaining a France passport by naturalization: requirements for applicants

Knowledge of state language

Assimilation or cultural knowledge

Stable financial status

Good health

No criminal records

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I get a French passport?

    France citizenship is obtained by blood, adoption, marriage, military service, or naturalisation.

    To obtain citizenship of France by naturalisation, you must have lived in the country for at least 5 years, pass a French language, history and culture exam, and have no criminal record.

    A French passport by marriage can be obtained in four years if you live permanently in the country. Men between the ages of 18 and 40 can obtain citizenship after three years of service in the French Foreign Legion.

  • Does France recognise second citizenship?

    Yes, which is why you don’t have to give up your first passport when you get French citizenship.

  • How to reside in France with citizenship of another state?

    France is a member of the European Union, so you can move there via a simplified way with a passport of one of the countries of this association — such as Portugal or Malta.

  • Who can receive French citizenship by birthright?

    French citizenship can be obtained by right of blood — if the child was born in a family in which at least one of the parents has French citizenship. In this case, the place of birth does not matter.

    If the child’s parents do not have French citizenship, they will be able to get a passport at the age of 18. But only if the child was born in France and lived in the country for at least five years before applying for citizenship.

France Passport in comparison with other passports