12 April, 2022
Reading Time: 2 min

10 countries with the most advanced healthcare

Typically, health care systems are judged on the quality and accessibility of services to the population. Researchers at the FREOPP Foundation believe that this is not enough. They compiled their own World Index of Healthcare Innovation ranking for 31 countries.

The rating shows how well health care systems are able to put into practice the results of modern scientific achievements and provide patients with the best service.

We tell you which countries have the most modern healthcare systems.

Vladlena Baranova

Author •Vladlena Baranova

Lawyer, AML Compliance officer, certified CAMS specialist

Countries with the best healthcare systems: where to go for treatment

10 countries with the most advanced healthcare

The FREOPP Research Foundation is redefining health systems assessment. For creation of World Index of Healthcare Innovation rating, in addition to the quality and availability of systems, they evaluated:

  1. The ability of the patient to choose a doctor or insurance company.

  2. The use of scientific and technological advances in the field of healthcare, the application of digital technologies in medicine and the availability of new treatments for patients.

  3. Financial stability of systems.

31 countries ranked in the World Index of Healthcare Innovation in 2021.

Countries with the most advanced healthcare systems

Position in the rating



gb-flag UK


be-flag Belgium


hk-flag Hong-Kong


au-flag Australia


us-flag USA


il-flag Israel


ie-flag Ireland


de-flag Germany


nl-flag Netherlands


ch-flag Switzerland

Switzerland, the Netherlands and Germany topped the World Index of Healthcare Innovation. These countries rank first in each of the indicators that FREOPP used to evaluate.

Italy, Slovakia, Japan and Poland took the last places in the ranking. Finland, which has a unified health insurance system, ranked last in terms of patients' ability to choose where, with whom and how to receive treatment.

In which countries investors can rely on modern medicine

A residence permit or citizenship in a European country provides access to the services of modern medical clinics. The status of a resident allows you to reduce the cost of medical services and undergo rehabilitation in countries with a mild climate. A resident does not need to apply for a visa to come for treatment and receive an invitation from a medical institution.

In Portugal, Spain and Greece, countries from the World Index of Healthcare Innovation, foreigners can obtain a residence permit by investment. In two more countries — in Switzerland and Austria — a residence permit for financially independent persons.

Innovation in healthcare in countries with investment programs

Position in the rating







Portugal took 17th place in the ranking, second only to Switzerland and Israel in terms of the quality of medical services. The Portuguese healthcare system includes more than 200 medical institutions that provide services in Portuguese and English so that the language barrier does not interfere with the treatment of patients.

Immigrant Invest —a licensed agent who helps to obtain a residence permit or a second citizenship in Europe for investment. If you want to travel without visas and take care of your health in the best medical clinics, feel free to contact our investment program experts for more information.