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Everything about permanent residence by investment in Cyprus

June 21, 2023|12:01 |E 15

Cyprus is an attractive destination for those searching for tranquillity and comfort in a Mediterranean setting. The country is experiencing significant growth and boasts a gentle climate, ensuring sunshine throughout the year.

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In this episode, we will explore the following topics:

  • How to secure Cyprus permanent residence by investment?

  • What requirements must investors meet?

  • How long does it take to become a Cypriot permanent resident?

  • Is it profitable to invest in Cypriot real estate?

  • How to become eligible for Cyprus citizenship?

Listen to the episode to dive into the nuances of becoming a permanent resident in Cyprus.

The text version of the episode
Lyle Julien

Material prepared by Lyle Julien, Investment programs expert

What is the difference between a residence permit, permanent residence and citizenship and how to get them

Everything about permanent residence by investment in Cyprus