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7 countries in Europe with the fastest residency by investment programs

May 24, 2023|11:37 |E 11

Looking to obtain a European residence permit by investment? In this episode, let’s discuss the countries with the fastest routes for investors and financially independent persons.

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Looking to obtain a European residence permit by investment? In this episode, let’s discuss the countries with the fastest routes for investors and financially independent persons:

  • How much must one invest in getting a European residence permit?

  • Where can you get a residence permit in just 2—3 months?

  • Does any country provide permanent residence valid for life?

  • Can family members join an investor or financially independent person?

Listen to the episode and choose the best-suited European country for residency.

The text version of the episode
Lyle Julien

Material prepared by Lyle Julien, Investment programs expert

Italy Golden Visa guide: how to get a residence permit by investment followed by citizenship