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5 ways to get a Malta residence permit

April 17, 2023|11:04 |E 6

Maltese residents have access to visa-free travelling within the Schengen Area, prestigious education for their children, well-equipped clinics, and a safe and peaceful environment by a warm sea. And there is always more as Malta offers various opportunities for business development and tax optimisation, for example.

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In this episode, we will see the following:

  • What are the two options for an investor to become a Maltese resident?

  • How do you get a Malta residence permit to work, do business, study or move with a family member?

  • How does the process of getting a residence permit goes?

Listen to the episode to see what it takes to become a Maltese resident.

Scooter Clarke, Narrator

The text version of the episode
Lyle Julien

Material prepared by Lyle Julien, Investment programs expert

Greece Golden Visa: how to get a residence permit by investment

5 ways to get a Malta residence permit