passport of Tonga

Tonga Passport

Passport rankings out of 199 countries

Freedom of travel60

Asset protection71

Quality of life69

"Plan B"34

About Tonga

An island state in the Pacific Ocean, in Polynesia. It occupies 177 islands of the archipelago of the same name. The closest neighbors are Samoa, Niue and Fiji.

Agriculture and fishing are important sectors of Tongo's economy. Coconut palms, bananas, vanilla, zucchini, cocoa, coffee, black pepper and ginger are grown in the country. The state has an exclusive economic zone and receives income from the sale of fishing licenses to foreign vessels. Off the coast of the country they catch tuna, lobsters, and shellfish.


100 651



Official language

Tongan, English

GDP per capita


Time zone




Grounds for obtaining a Tonga passport

birth icon

Birth to citizens of the country

marriage icon

Marriage to a citizen of the country

government icon

Work for the country's government

naturalization icon


Estimated time: 5 years

repatriation icon


adopt icon


family icon

Parents citizenship

diamond icon

Special conditions

investment icon

Special services to the state

Obtaining a Tonga passport by naturalization: requirements for applicants

Knowledge of state language

Assimilation or cultural knowledge

Stable financial status

Good health

No criminal records