Investments for getting a residence permit
Passport rankings out of 199 countries
Freedom of travel31
Asset protection36
Quality of life30
"Plan B"26
Portuguese passport can be obtained by birth, naturalization, repatriation and marriage. It allows you to choose any EU country for life, receive education and medical services in Europe on preferential terms, visit 187 states without a visa, including the United States and Canada.
The state is located on the Iberian Peninsula, washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. On the continent it borders on Spain. Portugal is an industrial-agrarian country: wines, olive oil, fabrics and other products are produced there. Tourism is developing in the coastal and mountainous regions of the country.
Portugal is a member of the European Union and the Schengen zone. In the country, you can get a residence permit for investments from 250,000 €. The Portugal residence permit card allows you to travel without visas around the Schengen countries, relax or live in Portugal, and in five years to obtain citizenship of the country.
10.3 million
Official language
GDP per capita
Time zone
The Portugal passport gives visa-free access to the Schengen countries, the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, and other countries.
The Portugal passport gives visa-free access to the Schengen countries, the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, and other countries.
Portugal is a part of the European Union. Its citizens can choose any EU country to live in, including Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Lichtenstein. There is no need to get a residence permit before moving — it’s enough to register upon arrival.
Portugal is a part of the European Union. Its citizens can choose any EU country to live in, including Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Lichtenstein. There is no need to get a residence permit before moving — it’s enough to register upon arrival.
The power of the Portugal passport allows citizens to save money on education in European schools and universities. There is also no need to get a student visa. Moreover, Portuguese citizens can get a job or found a company in any EU country.
The power of the Portugal passport allows citizens to save money on education in European schools and universities. There is also no need to get a student visa. Moreover, Portuguese citizens can get a job or found a company in any EU country.
Portuguese citizens get medical insurance called EHIC. It makes medical treatment in EU clinics cheaper. In addition, they don’t need a medical visa to get treatment in the Schengen countries, the UK or the USA.
Portuguese citizens get medical insurance called EHIC. It makes medical treatment in EU clinics cheaper. In addition, they don’t need a medical visa to get treatment in the Schengen countries, the UK or the USA.
Portugal allows dual citizenship
Birth to citizens of the country
Marriage to a citizen of the country
Work for the country's government
Estimated time: 6 years
Parents citizenship
Special conditions
Special services to the state
Knowledge of state language
Assimilation or cultural knowledge
Stable financial status
Good health
No criminal records
Investors can obtain Portugal citizenship by naturalisation. Therefore, they first obtain a residence permit by investment. Investors don't need to live in Portugal to get citizenship: it is enough to have a resident status for 5 years. It can be done by staying in the country for 7 days a year.
Investments for getting a residence permit
6+ months
Period of obtaining a residence permit
5 years
Naturalisation period
Who can get a Portugal residence permit
Investment conditions
There are seven options for participating in the Portugal Golden Visa programme:
€280 000+ — a purchase of the real estate;
€500 000+ — a purchase of units of investment funds;
€250,000+ — a contribution to support culture and art;
€500,000+ — investments in scientific projects;
€600,000+ — investments in a business with the creation of 5 jobs;
€1,500,000+ — a capital transfer;
founding a company and creating at least 10 jobs.
The investment sum doesn’t depend on the number of family members. Most investment options provide an opportunity to return investments after 5 years.
The most popular options are purchasing real estate or units of investment funds.
An investor can buy a new property or one that is for renovation. The minimum property cost is €350,000 if it’s for renovation and €500,000 if it’s a new one. The cost decreases by 20% if the property is in an underpopulated area.
Besides investing, the applicant pays government fees and for medical insurance and legal services.
Expenses for a family of 4
Investor and their spouse and children of 10 and 17 years old
1 day
Preliminary Due Diligence
A certified Compliance Anti Money Laundering Officer checks the information on the investor against international databases. Our check helps to decrease the refusal risk to 1%.
The preliminary Due Diligence is obligatory as we don’t sign a contract with an investor without it. If we’ve discovered a risk of refusal, we offer a suitable solution: add more documents or choose another investment programme.
Take a short anonymous test and learn more about the nuances of Due Diligence checks.
1—3 weeks
Selection of real estate or fund for investment
The investor chooses the priority variants of real estate or funds.
2—5 days
Trip to Portugal
A trip to Portugal is required to get a tax identification number, open a bank account and examine real estate. It is also necessary to sign a letter of attorney for a lawyer in Portugal so that they could act on the investor’s behalf.
1—2 months
Fulfilment of investment conditions
The investor buys real estate or units of an investment fund. Immigrant Invest lawyers accompany the deal and are in charge of its clean title.
Up to 2 months
Collecting documents and sending them for consideration
Immigrant Invest lawyers provide an investor with a list of personal and financial documents needed to apply. They also fill in forms, notarise copies and translations, and collect documents that prove the fulfilment of the investment condition.
Electronic copies of the documents are sent to the Migration Service of Portugal for consideration.
1 day
Submitting biometrics
Investors and all their family members included in the application come to Portugal to submit biometrics and original documents. An appointment is booked in advance in the electronic registry of SEF.
4—6 months
Approval and obtaining residence permits
It takes up to 6 months since the biometrics and original documents have been submitted for consideration to SEF. When the application is approved, the investor pays residency card fees. They are prepared within 2 weeks. The documents are given to the investor or a lawyer with a letter of attorney.
Every 2 years
Extending a residence permit
The Portugal residence permit is extended every 2 years. To retain the status, it is needed to spend 7 days per year in Portugal, or 14 days within two years.
The procedure of the residence permit extension is similar to applying. The investor needs to gather all the same documents, apply, submit biometrics and get a residence permit card.
5 years after getting a residence permit
Applying for citizenship
To obtain Portugal citizenship, investors and their family members need to preserve their residence status for 5 years. They also need to prove they know Portuguese at the A2 level and have no criminal records. Children under 12 are exempt from the language exam.