18 June, 2021
Reading Time: 3 min

6 best Greek islands for diving

A selection of islands for diving has been compiled by a Greek news portal, the Greek Reporter. We tell you which are the best places, where you can see shipwrecks, and where there are turtles you can pet.

Alevtina Kalmuk

Author •Alevtina Kalmuk

Author and editor of articles about investment citizenship and residency

Residence permit in Greece by investment: the best places for diving

6 best Greek islands for diving

The Greek Reporter has compiled a list of the most popular and interesting places to dive in 2021.

Diving is scuba diving with special equipment: scuba, mask and flippers. Dive prices depend on the season and location. As of June 2021, the average cost per dive is about €35.

The coastline of Greece extends over 16,000 km². There are international diving schools on the islands, whose certificates are recognised in almost every country in the world.

Top 6 islands for diving in Greece

1. The island of Nea Kameni is an uninhabited volcanic island in the Aegean Sea, part of the Santorini group of islands. Divers come to see the marine life of the Aegean Sea and shipwrecks.

The most popular dive site is the waters where the steel passenger ship, Santa Maria, sank. The wreck is located at a depth of 18 metres, which is also suitable for beginners divers.

Residency in Greece by investment: the island of NearnKameni for diving

In the Aegean Sea near the island of Nea Kameni, there are several underwater caves, which were formed during a volcanic eruption. Greek professional divers organise tours to the underwater sites

2. The island of Crete, Schinaria beach and the Elephant Cave. Crete is the largest island in Greece. About 2.5 million tourists visit the island every year.

Schinaria beach is located in northern Crete. Divers dive from the shores of the island to see black fish, octopuses and morays. The water on the beach is clear and clean.

Elephant Cave was discovered in 1999. Bones of elephants and large breeds of deer were found in it. Divers can see the fossilized remains of an extinct species of elephant: teeth, vertebrae and one large tusk. There are also fascinating white and red stalactites in the cave.

3.The island of Mykonos is located in the central waters of the Aegean Sea. The island is more often chosen by fans of parties and nightclubs. But for divers to the southeast of the island are excursions to the wreck of the freighter "Anna II". The ship is fully accessible for exploration, if desired, divers can get inside the cargo holds or crew quarters.

Residence permits in Greece by investment: Mykonos Island

Divers choose Mykonos island for underwater excursions to the Anna II wreck and the reefs, among which live colonies of marine sponges

4. The island of Lesvos is the third largest island in Greece. On the northwest coast is the Mirmigi Reef, which is ideal for first dives: it starts at five meters deep, there is good visibility and no currents in the water. Drivers appreciate the reef for its scenic view and variety of marine life, from mullet to sea dragonfish.

Residency in Greece by investment: the island of Lesvos

The island of Lesvos is one of the cleanest Greek islands. Tourists choose Lesvos for beach holidays and boat trips

5. Kea Island is a mountainous island with picturesque nature. Not far from the island, in 1916, sunk the medical ship "Britannicus". Because of the depth of the ship, only experienced divers are allowed to dive.

6. The island of Zakynthos, the wreck of the submarine Perseus and turtle island. The island of Zakynthos is located in the southern part of the Ionian Sea. Professional divers come to the island to go down to a depth of 52 meters and see the wreck of the British submarine, which sank during World War I.

For recreational divers, Turtle Island is a sanctuary that was created to protect the Loggerhead sea turtle. Parrot fish, flying fish, eels and octopuses can also be found near the island.

Greece Golden Visa

The Greek island of Zakynthos is distinguished by its snow-white beaches and clear waters of the Ionian Sea

How one can get to Greece in the summer of 2021

Greece allows anyone who has been vaccinated against or has had coronavirus or has a negative test result to enter the country.

Vaccinated tourists must present a vaccination certificate, issued no earlier than 14 days after receiving the second dose of vaccine. The certificate can be in English.

Non-EU citizens may need a visa or other permission to stay in the country. Greek visa centers may suspend their work if the epidemiological situation worsens, as it was in 2020. The Greek government may also impose additional restrictions on entry or close borders altogether.

Greek citizens and residents have the right to enter their country at any time. The fastest way to become a Greek resident is to obtain a residence permit through the Greece Golden Visa investment program.

The minimum amount of investment is €250,000. It takes about three months to obtain a residence permit. It is not required to reside in Greece either before or after obtaining the status.

Participants of the residence permit program in Greece choose one of three investment options:

  • €250,000+

    Buying a property

  • €400,000+

    Opening a deposit

  • €400,000+

    Buying shares of local companies

Buying real estate allows you to invest in a liquid asset. The investor owns the property for 5 years, during which time it is allowed to rent the property and receive income of 5‑9% per annum.

After 5 years, the property can be sold and the invested money returned.

Residency in Greece by investment: real estate to participate in the program

Apartments overlooking the sea in a hotel complex on the island of Milos, Greece. The architecture of the building is stylized in the traditional style of Cyclades islands. Price from €250, 000

Immigrant Invest is a licensed agent of the residence permit program in Greece by investment. If you want to move to Greece, buy real estate and travel visa-free to Schengen, seek advice from experts in investment programs.