Moving to the US with a Grenada passport
I want to move my family to the US. In the States, I will have a more favourable investment climate, my daughter will get the best education globally, and my wife will fulfil a lifelong dream just by living here. Everyone is happy.

Nicolas, 38 years old
Has a computer software company
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Legal and Compliance Officer, certified CAMS specialist
Moving to the US with a Grenada passport
Nicolas is from Cyprus. He has a company in computer software. With his wife Maria and daughter Elena, he decided to move to the US.
Using Nicolas’ story, we will tell you how Immigrant Invest helped the family get a passport that met all their needs. And precisely — how to move family and business to the US with the second passport.
Reasons why Nicolas decided to move his family to the US
The first reason is Nicolas’ business. He wanted his company to develop and expand. Nicolas needed investors that could invest in the company’s new projects. And in the US, Nikolas is more likely to find funds than in Cyprus.
The second purpose for Nicolas is to provide his daughter with the best education in the world. Nicolas wants Elena to study either at Harvard, Yale, Princeton or Stanford University.
Finally, the whole family wants to settle down in a country with a prosperous economy, diverse culture and nature.

Has a computer software company
I grew up in Cyprus. The island is excellent for peaceful life like resting here with family or when retired. But to build a worldwide company with a significant turnover — honestly, not this country. And my daughter. Had I all the possibilities she has right now, no doubt I would go to the States.
First step: preliminary Due Diligence
On 2 November 2021, Nicolas turned to Immigrant Invest for advice.
Before starting cooperation and signing a contract with an investor, Immigrant Invest lawyers conduct preliminary Due Diligence. The detailed check helps to reveal all the pitfalls and any potentially sensitive issues reducing the risk of application rejection to 1%.

Vladlena Baranova,
Head of Legal & AML Compliance Department, CAMS, IMCM
Immigrant Invest is the only company in the industry that has its Compliance division, through which it carries out its preliminary Due Diligence. Furthermore, our activity as an agent of citizenship by investment program fully complies with the latest Anti-Money Laundering Directive issued by the European Union.
Nicolas’ source of income is legal and is based exclusively on his business. He pays taxes on time, and all the company’s calculations and transactions are transparent and go through the corporate account. In addition, he and his family have no criminal record or instances of his visa denials.
The Immigrant Invest team was 99% sure that any citizenship program would approve Nicolas’ application. However, there is always a minimal risk of rejection, as the final decision remains with the citizenship program department.
How to move to the US and open a company here
Unfortunately, there is no citizenship program in the US. But Immigrant Invest lawyers offered Nicolas the solution: to move to the US with family and business is possible through the US visas for investors.
E‑2 and EB‑5 are the most popular visas to the US among investors. The investor opens or buys a company in the States. Then he gets a business visa and moves to the country with a spouse and children up to 21.
The comparison of US visas for investors
Getting an E‑2 visa is more accessible than EB‑5: it requires a smaller investment in a business, takes less time, and requires more straightforward paperwork. In addition, the US consulates are more loyal to its consideration than an EB‑5 visa.
US visa E‑2 entitles an investor to stay in the US for an unlimited time if the company generates income that exceeds the cost of living in the US of the investor and his family. In addition, the investor’s spouse can work in the US, and the children can study in the country until they reach the age of 21.
US visa E‑2 is non-immigrant. But the investor can change the visa category five years after obtaining it. For example, to switch to an EB‑5 visa. To do this, an investor should increase investment in the business.
Nicolas liked that on an E‑2 visa, he could move his family and his business to the US in a couple of months. In addition, the visa сapital investment requirements fitted into his budget — Nicolas planned to keep within $300,000.

Has a computer software company
First, I was upset that there’s no citizenship program or special visa that meets my budget and gives me a chance to move to the US. But thinking thoroughly, I realised that with an E-2 visa, I could move my family and my business to the States quickly and in honourable conditions. So then, when my business grows enough, I switch to EB-5 and apply for citizenship.
How to get an E‑2 visa to the US
To get an E‑2 nonimmigrant visa to the US is possible for the citizens of 75 countries with which the United States maintains a treaty of commerce and navigation. Grenada is the only treaty country with a Citizenship by Investment program within Nicolas’ budget.
To become a citizen of Grenada, investors either make a non-refundable contribution to the National Transformation Fund or buy real estate. The minimal amount of investment is $150,000. For Nicolas' family consisting of three people and a four-member family, the investment sum is $200,000.
Immigrant Invest compared the investor’s expenses on EB‑5 and E‑2 visas.
US business visa cost comparison
Grenada passport holders visit 144 countries visa-free. They can stay in Schengen area countries for up to 90 days in any 180 days, in Britain — for up to 180 days a year and in China — for 30 days visa-free. Under the simplified procedure, Grenada citizens get B‑1/B‑2 tourist and E‑2 business visas to the US.
Obtaining a Grenada passport: stages the investor went through
1. Preparation of documents and application. Immigrant Invest lawyers prepared a list of documents for Nicolas and attached it to the application for participation in the program.
The lawyers also helped get health insurance for the entire family and fill out government forms and questionnaires. They then prepared an English translation and certified copies of the documents. It took two weeks to prepare.
Nicolas paid $10,000 for Due Diligence and $4,500 for the application. Immigrant Invest lawyers submitted the documents to the program unit: they uploaded scans of the documents and receipts to the program’s online portal and sent the originals by mail.
2. The Due Diligence in the program unit took four months. The approval for the program came in the form of an official letter to the Immigrant Invest email. Immigrant Invest lawyers forwarded the letter to Nicolas.
3. Fulfilment of the investment condition of the program. The approval letter serves as the basis for transferring the investment.
Under the Grenada program, the investor can transfer money from his or his company’s account. In the last case, the investor’s share in the company should be 100%.
Nicolas transferred $218,750 to the program unit from his account.
$218,750 — Nicolas' expenses under the Grenada Citizenship by Investment program for the family of three
$200,000 — a contribution to the state fund
$10,000 — Due Diligence fee
$4,500 — application fee
$3,500 — processing fee
$750 — passport fee
5. Obtaining second passports and naturalisation certificates. Nicolas and his family received documents by mail on the 15th of April 2022.
Due Diligence is the essential stage of the program. If the documents are prepared according to the standard list, without considering the investor’s situation, there may be additional requests. Then the program department will delay the application.
However, immigrant Invest lawyers have prepared all the documents and attached the investor’s detailed resume. So there were no additional requests.
5.5 months to obtain a Grenada passport
2 November 2021
Nicolas turned to Immigrant Invest
+ 1 day
Preliminary Due Diligence
+ 2 weeks
Preparation of documents, filing of the application
+ 4 months
Due Diligence
18 March 2022
Approval of the application
+ 4 weeks
Preparation and forwarding of passports
15 April 2022
Obtaining passports
Living in the US with a Grenadian passport
Currently, Nicolas is preparing the document to apply for an E2-visa to the US. He has already done all the necessary procedures to move his business to the States: he registered his company in San Francisco, hired five employers for his software company and prepared a business plan he attached to visa documents.

Has a computer software company
Just a couple of months, and we are in the US! Already started to chat with local investors. Some of them are interested in my company’s new project. According to my plan, my company’s turnover will increase five times in ten years. We’ll get EB-5 visas and apply for US citizenship by this time.
Nicolas decided to settle down in San Francisco because it is the heart of the global tech industry. In the city, there are the biggest tech companies in the world. San Francisco has a history of innovation and prosperity which continues to this day.
The first time the family will rent an apartment in the south part of San Francisco. If they like the city district, Nicolas buys an apartment here. Otherwise, the family will move to another part of the city.
While Nicolas is into company matters, Maria and Elena are choosing a new school in San Francisco. The parents want Elena to enter the best US universities after finishing school. For example, Yale university.
Immigrant Invest is a licensed agent for government programs in the European Union and the Caribbean.
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