Residence permit
30 June, 2024
Reading Time: 10 min

Where and how to get a US visa for Caribbean citizens and EU residents

Citizens of most EU countries are allowed visa-free entry to the United States. With a Caribbean passport, you can get a ten-year US visa and extend it remotely. Vanuatu citizens can get a US visa for five years.

Albert Ioffe

Author •Albert Ioffe

Told how investors can get US visas

Getting a USA visa

Where and how to get a US visa for Caribbean citizens and EU residents

There are immigrant and non-immigrant visas in the USA:

  1. Immigrant visas are obtained by foreigners who will move to the USA and have grounds for getting a residence permit in the country.

  2. Non-immigrant visas are issued for tourist trips, study, treatment, and business.

US immigrant visas are difficult to obtain: you need to be a close relative of an American citizen, a highly qualified specialist in a narrow field, a refugee, or a winner of the green card lottery.

Suppose a foreigner invests more than $800,000 in an American company in a Targeted Employment Area or $1,050,000 in any company in the USA and employs ten people. In that case, they can get an EB‑5 immigrant investor visa.

Foreigners with an immigrant visa enter the country on it and, after a while, apply for a Green Card — a permanent residence permit in the United States. After five years, you can get citizenship by naturalisation, and if the Green Card was issued based on marriage with a US citizen — after three years.

US embassies sometimes process immigrant visa applications involving only vital emergencies or an age-expiring date. For example, children of US citizens can only get an immigrant visa without quotas and queues until they are 21 years old. If such an applicant turns 21 soon, they will be scheduled for an interview.

Immigrant visa holders to the US must complete a vaccination course against coronavirus to travel to the country. The US Food and Drug Administration or the World Health Organisation must approve the vaccine. There is an exception for children under 18 and people with contraindications to vaccination against coronavirus.

Non-immigrant visas. US consular offices have resumed their routine work in most countries after the pandemic.

Non-immigrant visa holders no longer need to prove they are vaccinated against COVID‑19.

Where to apply for US non‑immigrant visas

Applicants are eligible to obtain a non-immigrant visa from any US embassy or consulate that accepts non-residents.

You can find estimated waiting times for visa interviews at each US embassy at The term is indicated for citizens and residents of the country; non‑residents will have to wait longer.

The situation is constantly changing, so we recommend that non-residents check with representatives of embassies and consulates whether the consul will be able to receive them. This can be done by phone or email.

Applicants with dual citizenship or residency can obtain a US visa from the US embassy or consulate where they have official status. However, to not be denied a visa, you also need to confirm the connection with the country, e.g. the presence of permanent housing — real estate owned or rented for one year or more.

EU and other European residents and citizens can obtain a visa in the country that issued the residence permit card or passport.

Registration for student and work visa interviews is open one to two weeks in advance. Invitations for a category B visa interview will have to wait longer. The exception is medical visas: applicants are likely to be accepted without waiting in line if the need for treatment in the United States is confirmed.

US embassy in Prague, Czech Republic: Getting a US Visa

The US embassy in Prague has resumed accepting applications for non-immigrant visas. Only EU citizens and residents and their close relatives are able to enter the Czech Republic for an interview

Travel for Caribbean nationals to the USA. There is no visa-free travel for Caribbean nationals to the USA. Therefore they need to get visas before trips.

The Caribbean countries belong to the consular district of the US Embassy in Bridgetown (Barbados). Here they issue visas to investors who have received Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, Dominica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, or Saint Lucia citizenship.

You can get to Bridgetown by direct flight or with a transit in London.

To obtain a US visitor visa, Caribbean citizens can schedule an interview at any other US embassy or consulate that accepts non-residents. It is possible to apply for a US visa from Europe. For example, the US Embassy in Vienna, Austria. Caribbean citizens do not need a visa to enter Austria, but they will need to complete online registration.

Vanuatu belongs to the consular district of the US Embassy in Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea). Vanuatu citizens undergo visa interviews there.

To enter Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu citizens receive a visa upon arrival. You need to pay a visa fee of $50 online and submit an application to do this.

There is no queue for interviews. The consular department has been working as usual since September 20, 2021.

You can get to Port Moresby on a direct flight or transfer, for example, in Doha, Dubai, Hong Kong, or Singapore.

Vanuatu citizens can enter the US without proof of vaccination on any non-immigrant visa other than B‑1/B‑2.

Ngala, 45 years old

Real estate investor

How to get a US visa to travel and buy a property

Our client’s goal was to buy an apartment in the USA. He wanted to purchase one in Boston. Real estate prices are growing by about 8% per year, so the demand for apartments is high. It was impossible to delay: the investor had no more than two months to get to the USA and make a deal.

We helped the investor get a Vanuatu passport — this country has the fastest citizenship by investment program in the world. After that, he received a US visa the day after the interview in Port Moresby.

The investor managed to arrive in the United States on time: he inspected the apartments and concluded a contract of sale personally.

Learn a case

EB‑5 immigrant visa for investors from the EU and Caribbean

Investors that want to move to the USA and do business there can get EB‑5 immigration visas. It is a convenient way to obtain a US visa for EU residents and Caribbean citizens, as an immigration visa is the first step on the way to a Green Card with a further prospect of getting American nationality.

The annual quota for EB‑5 visas is 7,1% of all employment-based immigrant visas, normally 10,000. In the year 2023, it is 13,987.

Family members of the investor also can apply for an EB‑5 visa. It includes a spouse and unmarried children under 21 years old.

Requirements are identical for every country, including Europe and the Caribbean. To become eligible for an EB‑5 visa, an investor should:

  • be over 18 years old, have legal income, and have no criminal record;

  • invest in a US company. The investment amount is $800,000 for Targeted Employment Areas or $1,050,000 in other regions;

  • make sure an investment goes to a commercial enterprise;

  • create 10 jobs for qualified professionals, excluding the investor and their relatives;

  • participate in company management.

Regional centres. Investing through regional centres promoting specific states' economic development is possible. They often work in Targeted Employment Areas, so the investment is $800,000.

Regional centres hire professionals themselves, so it is not necessary to create 10 jobs. It is also not required to take an active part in company management.

Investment through a regional centre allows an investor to receive passive income from 0.25 to 2% per annum and return the money invested in five years or more. It often comes in commercial real estate like hotels, retail, or office buildings. Because of these benefits, many foreign investors apply for an EB‑5 visa via this option.

Process. After an investor has chosen and invested in the company, they need to submit an I‑526 petition for the EB‑5 visa to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), evidence of investment and its legality, and a business plan.

If the petition is approved, the investor and their family have an interview at the American embassy and receive a conditional Green Card, which is a temporary residence permit for two years. If the business runs successfully after this period, the investor and their family get to obtain a permanent Green Card.

After five years of holding a permanent Green Card, the investor and their family can apply for American citizenship by naturalisation. The conditions for that are to live in the country for more than half of these 5 years and pass tests in English language, US history, and government.

Obtaining US citizenship through the EB‑5 visa takes approximately 12—14 years.

How to get a US non‑immigrant visa

To obtain a visa, you need to fill out an online visa application form, pay the consular fee and make an appointment for an interview at the US consulate or embassy. All applicants come to the interview in person and bring the necessary documents. During the procedure, they scan fingerprints.

There are various ways to obtain a US visa. The term for obtaining a visa, the amount of the visa fee, and the list of documents to be submitted at the interview depend on the purpose of the applicant’s trip.

Main types of non-immigrant US visas

Type of visa

Purpose of the trip

Guest visa B‑1/B‑2

Visa fee — $185

Business: negotiations with business partners, attendance at scientific, educational, professional events and conferences, resolution of property and legal issues

Recreational: tourism, visiting friends and relatives, volunteering

Getting medical care

Student visa: F, M

Visa fee — $185

Studying at a university, college, private high school, or in an English language course

Visa for exchange programs: J

Visa fee — $185

Participation in student exchange programs

Exchange teaching activities

Research activities

Work visa: H, L, O, P, Q, R

Visa fee — $205

Working in the country for certain categories of professionals: highly qualified workers, athletes, entertainment workers, participants in cultural exchange programs, religious figures, individuals with extraordinary abilities, as well as employees who are temporarily transferred to a branch of an international company in the United States

Investment visa: E‑2

Visa fee — $315

Investment in a US company

The questionnaire for all types of visas is the same — the DS‑160 form. All applicants complete it online and in English only. It takes about an hour and a half to complete.

Other documents applicants bring to the interview. The following documents will be required:

  • a passport that expires at least six months after the end of the trip;

  • all old passports, in case of availability;

  • a photograph 5×5 cm, which has been taken within the last six months and meets the requirements;

  • a printed letter with an invitation to an interview;

  • a printed confirmation page of the application;

  • booking round-trip tickets and other information about the itinerary of the trip;

  • a document confirming that the applicant has a permanent place of residence outside the United States;

  • documents confirming solvency: bank statements, tax payments, the presence of property, business shares, and other assets;

  • for students — a certificate from the university;

  • for employees — a certificate from the place of work indicating the position, salary, duration of the period of work in this organisation, approval of a vacation, or purpose of a business trip to the United States.

Additional documents for obtaining a US non-immigrant visa

Guest medical visa:

  1. Letter from the attending physician stating the diagnosis, the nature of the disease, and the reason for seeking medical care in the United States.

  2. A letter from a doctor in the United States states the planned treatment duration and the cost of medical services.

  3. Statement of financial responsibility of individuals and legal entities paying for the applicant’s trip and covering all expenses.

Student visa:

  1. I‑20 form approved by an educational institution or administrator of the applicable program.

  2. Documents on education: school certificate, certificate of passing the exam, diploma, certificates of knowledge of the English language.

Visa for exchange programs:

  1. Approved DS‑2019 form provided by US program management.

  2. Documents on education: school certificate, diploma, certificates of knowledge of English.

Work visa:

  1. I‑129 petition form approved by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services.

  2. Documents confirming professional qualifications, including diplomas of higher education.

  3. Certificates from the current and past places of work indicating the position, nature, and duration of work.

  4. Payslips from current or last job.

  5. Surnames, names, and telephone numbers of the heads of personnel services of the current and previous places of work.

  6. CV.

The E‑2 investor visa is available to citizens of countries with which the United States has a Trade and Navigation Treaty.

E-2 treaty countries














Costa Rica

Taiwan (China)






Trinidad and Tobago













Bosnia and Herzegovina



Great Britain







New Zealand
















Sri Lanka








North Macedonia




South Korea








The Е‑2 country list includes Grenada, a country with a citizenship by investment program. Foreigners get a Grenada passport within six months for investments from $150,000.

Investors with Grenada passports get E‑2 visas for 5 years. They can extend the visa unlimited times, provided that the company the applicant has invested in has continued working and making a profit.

Step-by-step procedure for obtaining a non-immigrant US visa

If you want to apply for a visa to the USA, here are steps you need to do:


Select a US embassy or consulate where the applicant will receive a visa

Before applying, we recommend contacting the embassy staff and clarifying the details: how long to wait for an interview, and whether it is necessary to observe quarantine before it.


Fill out the DS-160 form — a single application for all types of visas — on

The form is filled out only online and only in English.


Create an applicant's account on

The personal account belongs to the selected representative office. If the applicant subsequently decides to be interviewed at another embassy or consulate, he will need to submit a request to transfer his account. It will take some time.


Pay the visa fee using the link from your account

In case of refusal to issue a visa, the money is not returned. The fee payment receipt is only valid at the selected embassy. If you transfer your account to another embassy after paying the fee, you will need to pay it again.


Sign up for an interview with the consul at

When registering, you will need to enter three numbers: a passport, a receipt for payment, and a barcode from the DS‑160 application confirmation page.


Prepare the necessary documents

Documents are not sent to the embassy in advance. Therefore, you will need to bring the original documents to the interview.


Come to the interview with a package of documents

You will need a valid passport, all old passports, a photograph, a printed letter with an invitation to an interview, and an application confirmation page.


Get fingerprinted during the interview

Fingerprints are not required for children under the age of 14 or repeat applicants who have already been fingerprinted at this US mission. Applicants must be fingerprinted again if they receive their visas at another embassy.


Get a passport with a visa

You can check the status of your application at When the decision is made, an accredited courier service sends the passport to the applicant. You cannot come to the embassy or consulate in person and pick up your passport.

Who can get a US visa remotely, and how to do it

The United States has an Interview Waiver Program that allows obtaining a non-immigrant visa without an interview with a consul. Children under 14, seniors over 80, and applicants who previously had a valid US visa can participate in the program without an interview. They need to meet specific requirements.

Children under 14 have never been denied a visa, or the child has already been granted a visa after being denied. Another case is that the child’s previous US visa was not lost or stolen.

Besides, at least one parent already has a valid B‑1/B‑2 visa to the United States. Suppose the parent’s visa has recently expired, and they are applying for an extension. In that case, the child’s application must be submitted at the same time as the parent’s application, and a photocopy of the recently expired visa.

Senior citizens over 80. Their previous visa was not revoked or cancelled due to an immigration violation, lost or stolen. They have never been denied a visa or granted a visa after being denied, and they are applying for a B‑1/B‑2 visa.

Repeat applicants if applying for a visa category B, F, M, or J. They must extend the visa to the same category. If the purpose of the trip is education, the previous visa can be of any category. Besides, they must apply to the same US embassy that issued their previous visa, prescribed for their citizenship or permanent residence.

Their previous visa was not revoked, cancelled due to an immigration violation, lost or stolen, and expired less than 4 years ago.

When filling out the DS‑160 form, the applicant chooses the date on which he will be able to submit a package of documents for a visa to the United States at one of the VFS Global document delivery points. When the application is accepted, you will receive an email confirmation of the date and refusal of the interview.

The letter must be printed and included in the package of sent documents. It would help if you also had a completed checklist for refusing an interview.

When applying for a child visa, additional documents will be required:

  • a copy of the parent’s passport page with biometric data;

  • a copy of the parent’s US visa;

  • a copy of the child’s birth certificate;

  • documents confirming the financial solvency of the parent.

How to travel to the USA with no visa

The USA has a Visa Waiver Program. Citizens of participating countries travel to the United States without a visa if their purpose of travel qualifies for a B‑1/B‑2 visa.

Malta citizenship by naturalisation for exceptional services by direct investment allows travelling to the USA without a visa. Before travelling, Maltese citizens receive an electronic travel authorisation, or ESTA. It is faster and cheaper than obtaining a visa: the permit is issued within 72 hours, and the application processing fee is $14.

An ESTA allows you to enter the USA unlimited times and stay there for 90 consecutive days. An entry permit is valid for two years, after which you need to get a new one.

Immigrant Invest is a licensed agent for citizenship and residence by investment programs in the EU, the Caribbean, Asia, and the Middle East. Take advantage of our global 15-year expertise — schedule a meeting with our investment programs experts.

Frequently asked questions

  • Where to apply for a US visa?

    Visa applicants apply online and are interviewed at a US embassy or consulate. Most embassies have resumed their routine work after the pandemic and accept non-resident applicants. However, we recommend contacting the embassy staff to clarify this moment before applying.

    Applicants with dual citizenship or residency can obtain a US visa from the US embassy of the country where they have official status.

  • How to get an E-2 business visa?

    Investor visas in the United States are immigrant — EB‑5 and non-immigrant — E‑2.

    To obtain an immigrant visa, you need to register a company in the USA, invest $800,000 and employ ten people.

    A non-immigrant visa can be obtained by citizens of certain countries that have an agreement with the United States. The E‑2 list includes Grenada, a country with a citizenship by investment program. For investments of $150,000 or more, foreigners get a Grenada passport and, according to it, an investor visa.

  • How to get a US visa for tourist and business trips?

    For tourist and business trips, a B‑1/ B‑2 visa is required.

    To obtain a visa, you need to fill out an online visa application form, pay a consular fee and make an appointment for an interview at a US embassy or consulate. At the interview, you must provide a document package and give fingerprints.

  • How to get a US visa for a student?

    You must obtain an I‑20 form from your educational institution or program administrator for a US student visa. Without it, the visa application will not be accepted.

    To obtain a visa, you need to fill out an online visa application form, pay a consular fee and make an appointment for an interview at a US embassy or consulate. At the interview, you must provide a document package and give fingerprints.

  • How to get a US EB-5 visa?

    To obtain a US EB‑5 visa, investors must be over 18, have a legal income, and have a clean record. Depending on the region, they must invest $800,000 or $1,050,000 in a US company and create at least 10 jobs. Alternatively, they can invest through regional centres for passive income.

    After investing, the applicant and their family submit an I‑526 petition for an EB‑5 visa. If the petition is approved, investors and their families receive a two-year conditional Green Card. If the business is successful, they can get a permanent Green Card. After five years, they can apply for US citizenship.

  • Can you apply for a US visa from another EU country?

    Yes, you can apply for a US visa from another EU country. You are able to apply for a US visa from any US embassy or consulate that accepts non-residents. Most have already lifted coronavirus restrictions, but we recommend contacting the embassy staff and clarifying the details.

    However, the US Department of State warns that it may be difficult to qualify for a visa outside of one’s place of permanent residence.