passport of Turkey

Turkey Passport

Passport rankings out of 193 countries

Freedom of travel58

Asset protection18

Quality of life53

"Plan B"95

About Turkey

A state in Western Asia and Southern Europe. Turkey has 14 land and sea borders with other countries. The territory is washed by the waters of the Aegean, Black and Mediterranean Seas. Turkey is an industrial country and a popular tourist destination. In 2019, 45 million tourists visited the country.

Turkish citizenship allows you to live in the country, expand travel opportunities, obtain an E-2 business visa in the United States. A passport can be obtained for buying real estate with a cadastral value of $250,000 or more, investing in a business, government bonds, a venture fund, or opening a deposit in the amount of $500,000 or more.


83.6 million



Official language


GDP per capita


Time zone



Turkish lira

Turkey passport ranking and benefits

  • 1

    Access to 110 countries around the world

    A Turkish passport allows visa-free entry to 110 countries, including Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and other countries.

  • 2

    Opportunity to get an E‑2 business visa in the United States

    Turkey and the United States have signed an agreement on issuing E‑2 visas for foreign investors. The visa gives you the right to move to the United States and conduct business there. The E‑2 visa is nonimmigrant — you can’t use it to get a green card and apply for citizenship.

Grounds for obtaining a Turkey passport

Turkey allows dual citizenship

birth icon

Birth to citizens of the country

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Marriage to a citizen of the country

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Work for the country's government

naturalization icon


Estimated time: 5 years

repatriation icon


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family icon

Parents citizenship

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Special conditions

investment icon

Special services to the state

Obtaining a Turkey passport by naturalization: requirements for applicants

Knowledge of state language

Assimilation or cultural knowledge

Stable financial status

Good health

No criminal records

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I get a Turkish passport?

    Turkish citizenship is obtained by right of blood, for special merits, or by investment, marriage or naturalisation.

    To obtain Turkish citizenship by naturalisation, you must have lived in the country for at least 5 years, speak basic Turkish, and have no criminal records or health problems.

    Foreigners can get a Turkish passport for investing in the country’s economy: to do this, they must meet the conditions of one of the six options of the state investment program. Most often, foreigners invest in real estate: to participate in the program, you need to buy a property worth at least $250,000.

    A Turkish passport can also be obtained three years after marrying a citizen of the country. The passport will be issued if the marriage is still valid.

  • Does Turkey recognise second citizenship?

    Yes, Turkish citizens can have multiple nationalities, as long as it does not contradict the laws of other countries.

  • Who can get Turkish citizenship by birthright?

    Turkish citizenship can be obtained by right of blood — if the child was born to citizens of the country. In this case, the place of birth does not matter.

    A child born on the territory of the country can obtain Turkish citizenship by right of birth, provided that the parents are unknown.