passport of Lesotho

Lesotho Passport

Passport rankings out of 193 countries

Freedom of travel114

Asset protection77

Quality of life142

"Plan B"109

About Lesotho

A state in South Africa, completely surrounded by the territory of South Africa. The only country in the world whose entire territory is above 1400 m above sea level.

The country's economy is closely connected with the economy of South Africa. Agriculture is developing in Lesotho, energy, clothing factories. Many people of the country leave for South Africa to work in the mines.


2 million



Official language

Sesotho, English

GDP per capita


Time zone




Grounds for obtaining a Lesotho passport

birth icon

Birth to citizens of the country

marriage icon

Marriage to a citizen of the country

government icon

Work for the country's government

naturalization icon


Estimated time: 5 years

repatriation icon


adopt icon


family icon

Parents citizenship

diamond icon

Special conditions

investment icon

Special services to the state

Obtaining a Lesotho passport by naturalization: requirements for applicants

Knowledge of state language

Assimilation or cultural knowledge

Stable financial status

Good health

No criminal records